I consider myself first to be a software developer/Open Source Lover/technical documentation engineer, I'm passionate about Technology and how it can be leveraged to affect communities positively. I'm focused on developing for the Android, Blockchain and Firebase Platforms.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on all things Android/ dBuilding / maintaining ocumentation
- 🌱 I sometimes write tech articles on https://wise4rmgodadmob.medium.com/
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Android,IOS and Blockchain, Firebase projects, Eleventy, Docsify, MkDocs.
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube
- ⚡ Fun fact: am a comedian, I love football, music, writing and movies
Andela Learning Community (ALC) as a (Lead Facilitator/Mentor)
Hertechtrail as a (Program Manager)
Angelcryptolist community as the (Lead)
Thanks for checking out my profile.