This README describes how you can integrate with the Flipp Platform SDK.
The Flipp Platform SDK allows mobile retailer apps to render publications in two formats: in traditional print form (SFML) or in Digital Visual Merchandising form (DVM).
The DVM format renders publications in a dynamic way that maintains responsiveness and merchandising flexibility, while also providing a host of features to allow users to interact with offers.
Clone this repo.
in Xcode. -
Insert the SDK key provided by Flipp in
line 10.[!WARNING]
If you run the application without this key, it will crash indicating the issue.
// This is the key that will be used to initialize the SDK, please replace the value with the key provided by Flipp.
private let SDKKey = ""
- Build and run the app.
- Add the DVM SDK as a dependency through SPM (Swift Package Manager).
- Navigate to Package Dependecies > Click '+' to add a package.
- Enter the SDK repository's URL
as the package URL. - Select the package when prompted.
- Initialize the SDK early in your application life cycle by providing a
key, and an optionaluserId
/// SDK initialization function, provides information necessary to the SDK.
/// Needs to be called before any other function.
/// - Parameters:
/// - clientToken: Identification token for the client.
/// - userId: Value that uniquely identifies the user.
public static func initialize(clientToken: String, userId: String?)
import dvm_sdk
DVMSDK.initialize(clientToken: "experimental-key-that-is-super-secret-and-secure-prd", userId: nil)
- Fetch a list of publications by calling
/// Retrieves a list of publications and invokes the completion handler with the results.
/// If an error occurs during the process the error of the completion will be non nil and the publication list will be empty.
/// - Parameters:
/// - merchantId: Merchant identifier to retrieve the publications for.
/// - storeCode: Store identifier for the publications.
/// - language: The 2 characters ISO language code used to render the publication.
/// - resultsCount: number of results per page, defaults to 10.
/// - pageToken: token for pagination, needed to fetch subsequent results.
/// - completion: closure that will be called with results.
/// New in SDK 1.1.0 update: entity `Publication` now contains `renderingTypes` member, an array of `RenderingType` which indicates the available rendering modes for the publication.
public static func fetchPublicationsList(merchantId: String, storeCode: String, language: String, resultsCount: Int = 10, pageToken: String? = nil, completion: @escaping PublicationsListCompletion) throws
Example from PublicationsViewController.swift
let publications = try await DVMSDK.fetchPublicationsList(
merchantId: merchantID,
storeCode: storeCode,
language: Locale.preferredLanguageCode() ?? "en")
await { [weak self] in
self?.publications = publications
- Once a publication is selected, create an instance of
to render the publication and set its delegate appropriately:
/// Creates and returns a rendering view for the publication with the corresponding id, respecting the requested rendering mode.
/// .No references are kept within the SDK of this view, it is the responsibility of the caller to prevent deallocation.
/// A delegate needs to be assigned to the view in order to receive callbacks from its while rendering.
/// - Parameters:
/// - publicationId: Publication id to render.
/// - merchantId: Merchant id for the publication.
/// - storeCode: Store code for the publication.
/// - renderMode: Store identifier for the publications.
/// - language: The 2 characters ISO language code used to render the publication.
/// - shouldPersistWebsiteDataToDisk: Whether website data should persist to disk (default is false).
/// - Throws: DVMSDKError.sdkNotIntialized in case this function is called before initializing the SDK
/// - Returns: A DVM renderer view.
public static func createRenderingView(
publicationId: String,
merchantId: String,
storeCode: String,
renderMode: RenderMode,
language: String?,
shouldPersistWebsiteDataToDisk: Bool = false
) throws -> DVMRendererView
Example for using createRenderingView
if let rendererView = try? DVMSDK.createRenderingView(
publicationId: publicationID,
merchantId: merchantId,
storeCode: storeCode,
renderMode: renderingMode,
language: Locale.preferredLanguageCode() ?? "en"
) {
rendererView.rendererDelegate = self
rendererView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
self.rendererView = rendererView
- When the user taps on an item, the following event is called with the item details as the parameter:
/// Called when an offer item is tapped.
/// - Parameter result: The result which contains an `Offer` on success or a
/// `DVMSDKError` on failure.
func didTap(result: Result<dvm_sdk.Offer, dvm_sdk.DVMSDKError>)
Example from PublicationsViewController.swift
func didTap(result: Result<dvm_sdk.Offer, dvm_sdk.DVMSDKError>) {
switch result {
case .success(let offer):
self.pushDetailsController(for: offer)
case .failure(let error):
Self.logger.error("Error tapping on offer: \(error.localizedDescription)")
The Flipp Platform SDK can send events notifying your app about actions that the user has taken. The following events are supported:
/// The DVMRendererDelegate protocol defines a set of methods to handle interactions and state changes related to the rendering of offers.
/// This protocol is intended to be adopted by a delegate object to handle tap events, successful loading, and failure scenarios from an offer rendering view.
public protocol DVMRendererDelegate : AnyObject {
/// Called when an offer item is tapped.
/// - Parameter result: The result which contains an `Offer` on success or a
/// `DVMSDKError` on failure.
func didTap(result: Result<dvm_sdk.Offer, dvm_sdk.DVMSDKError>)
/// Called when the offer rendering has finished loading successfully.
func didFinishLoad()
/// Called when the offer rendering failed to load.
/// - Parameter error: The error that occurred during the loading process.
func didFailToLoad(error: any Error)