My dotfiles and a minimal step by step guide to setting up my work environment.
- Browser
- Terminal
- Windows
- WSL2
- Download Mozilla Firefox
- Pin devops platform in spot number one, plain tab in number two, and Spotify in number three.
- Download Windows Terminal.
- Remove
ctrl + alt + 1/2/3...
to be able to type@£$€{[]}
- Download powertoys.
- Remap
alt + 0/1/2...
towindows + 0/1/2...
in order to swap windows quickly. - Set the terminal in the first position, browser in second position, and communication channel (teams/slack/signal) in the third position within the taskbar.
- Pin all of the applications that you frequently use.
- Remove Windows fluff by unpinning and removing applications not in use.
- Download WSL.
- Run
wsl.exe --install
in PowerShell. - Set Ubuntu as the default profile in Windows Terminal.
- Run
sudo apt install zsh
. - Run
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
. - Download the Hack Nerd Font and select it as the font face for the Ubuntu profile.
- Change the colorscheme to Tango Dark and remove padding within the Ubuntu Profile.
- Open the
and change the background color of the Tango Dark theme to #161616. - Run
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
. - Install latest stable version of Neovim by running
curl -LO
. - Run
sudo rm -rf /opt/nvim
. - Run
sudo tar -C /opt -xzf nvim-linux64.tar.gz
. - Add
alias vim="nvim"
. - Add
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/nvim-linux64/bin
. - Restart terminal.
- Run
sudo apt install git gh
. - Run
gh auth login
and complete the login.
- Run
sudo apt update
- Run
sudo apt install git gcc ripgrep unzip make
- Run
mkdir ~/.config
- Fork
- Run
git clone[your username]/[name of your fork].git "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"/nvim
- Follow any other installation instruction from the
- Run
to start installing - Run
vim ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
- Configure
to your liking
- Run
git clone ~/.tmuxifier
. - Add
export PATH="$HOME/.tmuxifier/bin:$PATH"
to your path. - Add this file to
. - Run
tmuxifier load-session work
when starting to work.
- Clone this repository.
- Change directory to the dotfiles repository
cd /path/to/dotfiles
. - Run
ln -s $(pwd)/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
. - Run
ln -s $(pwd)/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
. - Run
ln -s $(pwd)/ ~/.tmuxifier/layouts/