This is the course project for Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data class Nov 2014 session.
The goal of this project is to create a tidy dataset from Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset Version 1.0, which is available here -
The following files are included in the github repository: CookBook.txt run_analysis.R tidyDataActivity.txt tidyDataSubject.txt tidyDataActivitySubject.txt explains the overall purpose of the work and the files included.
CookBook.txt explains the tidy dataset created and how the analysis was done on the Smartphones datasets.
run_analysis.R is the R script processing the Smartphones datasets and creating the tidy datasets. To run run_analysis.R, the Smartphones datasets need to be stored at a directory named UCI which is in the directory as the run_analysis.R file. Please refer to CookBook.txt to find out the details of the tidy dataset.
This is the tidy dataset that calculates the average value for different mean and standard deviation sensor measurements group by activity labels
This the the tidy dataset that calculates the average value for different mean and standard deviation sensor measurements group by subjects
This the the tidy dataset that calculates the average value for different mean and standard deviation sensor measurements group by activity labels and then subjects
This project is licensed through Creative Common.