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Conway's Game of Life

My Notes

States v2

Layout v2

High Level Rules


Going to break this down into smaller chunks:

  • Make the board
    • Forgot to add the borders to the board
  • Add event listeners to each cell in the board
    • Change color of any given cell when clicking on them
  • Work on game of life rules
    • Add the life rules
    • Mock the control to make sure the rules are correct
  • Emit data to the board component Get data from life service so we can actually update the board with new data
  • Will need to create some form of game loop so the cells appear to be moving
  • Create a class for the debugging logs and the debugging text on the board
  • Re-evaluate the state flows and layout design
  • Add the controls (minimalistic level)
    • Added the basic layout
    • Hook up the buttons to the board component
    • Add the ability to click and hold to select the cells
    • Properly disable and enable the control buttons
      • Including when all cells die
    • Add the next button
    • Found bug: if the board is empty by deselecting, the control states are not properly reflected; listen on mouseup and check board if there are any live cells
    • Found bug: hold down on left click does not de-select cells; should do shift + mousedown
    • Add the drop-down list to have initial seeds: blinker, pulsar, pentadecathlon, glider, and lightweight spaceship (from wiki)
  • Look into the cursor change bug
  • Add the help icon Add how-to guide at the bottom
  • Check performance/memory
    • There might be some memory leaks according to
    • But, it looks like the memory leaks for DOM nodes and JS heaps are growing at a slow rate; was monitoring Chrome's task manager.
      • Used Chrome's Performance tool to isolate the memory leaks.
      • But, was not able to isolate/discern the memory leak with Memory Heap snapshot and Memory Allocation instrumentation on timeline.
      • The general steps I used to find the memory leak:
        1. Loaded web app (locally)
        2. Used Pulsar as initial seed
        3. Clicked Play to allow the game to run
        4. Every 10 - 15 seconds, cleared the board with Clear button
        5. Repeated steps 2 to 4 three or four times
      • Based on the Performance tool, my guess was that the memory leak was occurring when I clear the board. Specifically in ControlsComponent.onClickClear(), which will call BoardComponent.reset().
      • However, I remembered from the Angular documentation that it was good practice to only do simple initialization in the component's constructor. BoardComponent.cellsStyle and TrackingService.board, to a degree, were not simple initializations. They were large matrices that dynamically changed.
      • Putting those two properties in ngOnInit() seemed to have solved the memory leak didn't seem to do much.
        • In constructor: Before
        • In ngOnInit(): After
      • Hmm, as long as it doesn't stutter, I think it's okay for now.
  • Need to make the web app dynamically proportional
  • Material design???