Compress, decompress and convert Unity3D Texture2D files (unpacked from raw *.assets packs) support formats such as the DXT1 & DXT5 ,ETC1/2,RGBA8888,ARGB4444,Alpha8.
It can simply dump and modify textures from games which made with Unity Engine.
It's not a Unity Editor plugin, just a Modding Tool. Do not use these tools in your game development!
commands: "-I -info :show texture info only" "-d -dump :dump texture" "-c -compress :compress texture" "-i -input :input name" "-o -output :output png name" "-r -resS :use specific *.resS file path" "-h :show help"
Unpack assets files using my unpacker-scripts
dump texture from texture2D binary.
for example
UnityTexTool-x64.exe -d -i 00000000_test.tex -o test.png -r ./
compress texture to texture2D binary.
UnityTexTool-x64.exe -c -i test.png -o 00000000_test.tex -r ./
TextureConverter.dll from Unity Editor
Magick.NET-Q8-AnyCPU.dll from Magick.NET
PVRTexLibWrapper.dll £¬ ATI.TextureConverter.dll and Nvidia.TextureTools from mono game framework.
astcenc.exe from ARM-software/astc-encoder