This plugin adds TypeScript compilation to your Maven project without adding any prerequisites (e.g. installing Node.js) other than JDK 8. It unpacks the TypeScript compiler from a Maven artifact, makes the Avatar.js native library available with the expected filename, then executes tsc on the Avatar.js server, which uses Nashorn to execute JavaScript.
There are a variety of reasons that a development team can't require Node.js and NPM for their build process, including company policy, regulatory and audit compliance, and inertia. While individual developers may be able to work around these roadblocks, a requirement to install new software on the build server is more likely to remain a problem.
Also, a well-integrated, all-JVM build is a neat idea.
It's slow. Startup time for tsc is somewhere around 12 seconds.
That's your IDE's job. If you want to do it anyway, run the tsc:watch goal.
Where no such restrictions apply, consider other plugins such as frontend-maven-plugin or grunt-maven-plugin.
As the Maven artifacts provided by this project are unlikely to be available to your Maven instance, first install/deploy the TypeScript redistribution and tsc-maven-plugin artifacts, either to your local Maven repository ($HOME/.m2/repository) or your local Maven repository manager (e.g. Artifactory or Nexus). Next, take a look at the included demo project for usage information.
Reasonable defaults have been provided for every user-serviceable configuration option. Refer to AbstractTypeScriptMojo (or your IDE's tooltips while editing your POM) to see what can be changed on the fly.
This project is currently on hold pending two matters:
Completion of the Angular 2 switchover from Traceur/AtScript to TypeScript. The information available at this time suggests that the upcoming TypeScript 1.5 release may support the required language changes for this to take place. Until then, a suitable demo project for exploring the second matter cannot be completed.
A team decision on whether to adopt Angular 2 for front-end development, and whether we are willing to tie together two build processes (Maven triggering a Grunt build that uses grunt-ts for TypeScript compilation) or would prefer to use only Maven.
Except where otherwise noted, everything contained in this repository is
Copyright 2015 William Ono
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.