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wmutschl committed Dec 7, 2023
1 parent cb05050 commit e932af5
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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion .github/workflows/matlab.yml
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Expand Up @@ -71,4 +71,11 @@ jobs:
- name: Run week 8 scripts
uses: matlab-actions/run-command@v1
command: |
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions exercises/svar_irf_solution.tex
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\item There are \(K\) variables and \(K\) structural shocks; hence, there are \(K^2\) IRFs each of length \(H+1\).

\item Let's derive an expression for \(Y_{t+h}\):
Y_t &= A Y_{t-1} + U_t
Y_{t+1} &= A Y_{t} + U_{t+1} = A^2 Y_{t-1} + A U_t + U_{t+1}
Y_{t+2} &= A Y_{t+1} + U_{t+2} = A^3 Y_{t-1} + A^2 U_t + A U_{t+1} + U_{t+2}
Y_{t+h} &= A^{h+1} Y_{t-1} + \sum_{j=0}^h A^j U_{t+h-j}
Left-multiply by \(J\) (also note that \(J'J=I\)):
J Y_{t+h} = y_{t+h} = J A^{h+1} Y_{t-1} + \sum_{j=0}^h J A^j \textcolor{red}{J'J} U_{t+h-j} = J A^{h+1} Y_{t-1} + \sum_{j=0}^h J A^j J' u_{t+h-j}

\item From the previous exercise:
y_{t+h} = J A^{h+1} Y_{t-1} + \sum_{j=0}^h J A^j J' \underbrace{u_{t+h-j}}_{B_0^{-1} \varepsilon_{t+h-j}}
Taking the derivative:
\frac{\partial y_{t+h}}{\partial \varepsilon_{t}'} = \Theta_h = J A^h J' B_0^{-1}
\item Note the following identity: \(p_{t+h}=p_{t-1}+\Delta p_t +\Delta p_{t+1} + \cdots +\Delta p_{t+h}\).
That is we simply need to cumulate (\texttt{cumsum}) the impulse responses of the inflation rate to get the impulse response for the price level.

\item A possible implementation:

24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions exercises/svar_recursive_solution.tex
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\item[1.] The model is identified recursively with the real price of oil ordered first:
y_t = \begin{pmatrix}\Delta rpoil_t \\ \Delta p_t \\ \Delta gdp_t \end{pmatrix}
such that the real price of oil is \textbf{predetermined} with respect to the U.S. economy.
In other words, only the structural oil price shock (ordered first) has an immediate effect on the real price of oil,
the other two structural shocks affect the real price of oil with a delay and not on impact.
The ordering is thus very important here,
as our focus is on the effect of an \textbf{unanticipated (exogenous)} increase in the real price of oil.
Moreover, as we are only interested in one shock,
the model is only partially identified in that only the oil price shock can be given an economic interpretation.

\item[2./3./4./5.] \lstinputlisting[style=Matlab-editor,basicstyle=\mlttfamily,title=\lstname]{progs/matlab/USOil.m}
Here is the helper function for the more general approach:
\item[6.] In the period under consideration, crude oil is a commodity that is considered vulnerable to negative supply shocks
due to the political and social volatility of its (Middle East) source.
In macroeconomics a negative supply shock is an unexpected event that changes the supply of a product,
resulting in an increase in prices and a decrease in output.
From the IRFs we see exactly this pattern:
an unexpected oil price shock creates inflationary pressure on the GDP deflator and a reduction in real GDP in the US\@.
In this sense, a positive oil price shock (originating e.g.\ from the oil producing countries) indeed acts like a negative domestic supply shock for the U.S. economy.
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions exercises/svar_shortrun_solution.tex
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\item The OLS estimate of the reduced-form covariance matrix \(\Sigma_u\) is
\widehat{\Sigma}_u = \begin{pmatrix}
0.061054 & -0.015282 & 0.042398 & 0.0037836 \\
-0.015282 & 0.52305 & 0.07967 & 0.030602 \\
0.042398 & 0.07967 & 0.71689 & -0.2451 \\
0.0037836 & 0.030602 & -0.2451 & 1.1093 \\

\item In order to identify the structural shocks from \(\Sigma_u = B_0^{-1} \Sigma_\varepsilon B_0^{-1'}\),
we require at least \(4(4-1)/2=6\) additional restrictions on \(B_0\) or \(B_0^{-1}\).
In this exercise, we'll do this on \(B_0\) and not its inverse; that is, we can rewrite the equations in matrix notation:
\underbrace{\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ b_{21,0} & 1 & b_{23,0} & b_{24,0} \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & b_{34,0} \\ b_{41,0} & b_{41,0} & b_{43,0} & 1\end{pmatrix}}_{B_0}
\underbrace{\begin{pmatrix}u_t^p\\u_t^{gnp}\\u_t^{i}\\u_t^{m} \end{pmatrix}}_{u_t}
\underbrace{\begin{pmatrix}\varepsilon_t^{AS}\\\varepsilon_t^{IS}\\\varepsilon_t^{MS}\\\varepsilon_t^{MD} \end{pmatrix}}_{\varepsilon_t}
Note that as the diagonal elements of \(B_0\) equal unity, we don't assume that \(E(\varepsilon_t \varepsilon_t')=\Sigma_\varepsilon \) is the identity matrix.
So this is a different normalization rule as before.

Economically, the above restrictions embody to some extent a baseline IS-LM model:
\item The first equation provides three restrictions by assuming that the price level is predetermined
except that producers can respond immediately to aggregate supply shocks (e.g.\ an unexpected increase in oil or gas prices).
This is basically a horizontal aggregate supply (AS) curve; that is why we label the shock with AS\@.
\item The second equation provides no restrictions as it is assumed that real output responds to all other model variables contemporaneously.
This equation can be interpreted as an aggregate demand curve, or an IS curve, that is why we label the shock IS\@.
\item The third equation provides two restrictions by assuming that the interest rate does not react contemporaneously to aggregate measures of output and prices.
This represents a simple money supply function, according to which the central bank adjusts the rate of interest in relation to the money stock
and does not immediately observe aggregate output and aggregate prices.
Of course, this is in contrast to modern monetary policy theory (and practice).
\item The fourth equation provides one additional restriction by assuming that the first two entries in the last row are identical.
The underlying idea is that this equation represents a money demand function in which short-run money holdings rise in proportion to NOMINAL GNP\@.
Moreover, money holdings are allowed to be dependent on the interest rate.
In sum, we have \(3+0+2+1=6\) restrictions, that is we have an exactly identified SVAR model,
identified by short-run exclusion restrictions on \(B_0\).
As the structure is not recursive, a Cholesky decomposition is not valid and hence we need to rely on a numerical optimizer (or an algorithm for short-run exclusion restrictions).

\item The code might look like this:
Here is the helper function to impose the restrictions:

\item An unexpected upward shift of the aggregate supply curve
\item raises the price deflator
\item lowers real GNP
\item raises the federal funds rate
\item lowers the money supply at first, but ultimately raises M1
This response is not really appropriate for the U.S. economy during the considered sample period,
making the identifying restrictions rather questionable.
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions progs/matlab/USOil.m
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% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Estimates a SVAR(4) model to identify an oil price shock for the US economy
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Willi Mutschler, December 8, 2022
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
clearvars; clc;close all;

%% data handling
USOil_data = importdata('../../data/USOil.csv');
ENDO =; % note that it already has correct order dlog(poil), dlog(p), dlog(gdp) for recursive identification

%% estimate reduced-form
nlag = 4;
opt.const = 1;
VAR = VARReducedForm(ENDO,nlag,opt);

%% structural identification with Cholesky decomposition
ENDO = ENDO(:,[1 2 3]); % order dlog(oilprice) first, then dlog(price deflator) and dlog(GDP)
B0inv_chol = chol(VAR.SigmaOLS([1 2 3],[1 2 3]),'lower');
% note that the Cholesky decomposition always yields positive diagonal elements, so no normalization needed

%% structural identification with numerical optimization, identification restrictions are put into auxiliary function USOil_fSR
f = str2func('USOil_fSR');
StartValueMethod = 1; %0: Use identity matrix, 1: use square root, 2: use cholesky as starting value
% options for fsolve
TolX = 1e-4; % termination tolerance on the current point
TolFun = 1e-9; % termination tolerance on the function value
MaxFunEvals = 50000; % maximum number of function evaluations allowed
MaxIter = 1000; % maximum numberof iterations allowed
OptimAlgorithm = 'trust-region-dogleg'; % algorithm used in fsolve
options = optimset('TolX',TolX,'TolFun',TolFun,'MaxFunEvals',MaxFunEvals,'MaxIter',MaxIter,'Algorithm',OptimAlgorithm);
if StartValueMethod == 0
B0inv = eye(size(ENDO,2)); % use identity matrix as starting value
elseif StartValueMethod == 1
B0inv = VAR.SigmaOLS^.5; % use square root of vcov of reduced form as starting value
elseif StartValueMethod == 2
B0inv = chol(VAR.SigmaOLS,'lower'); % use Cholesky decomposition of vcov of reduced form
f(B0inv,VAR.SigmaOLS)' % test whether function works at initial value (should give you no error)

% call optimization routine fsolve to minimize f
[B0inv_opt,fval,exitflag,output] = fsolve(f,B0inv,options,VAR.SigmaOLS);

% normalize sign of B0inv such that diagonal elements are positive
if any(diag(B0inv_opt)<0)
idx_negative = diag(B0inv_opt)<0;
B0inv_opt(:,(idx_negative==1)) = -1*B0inv_opt(:,(idx_negative==1)); % flip sign

%% compute and plot structural impulse response function
nSteps = 30;
cumsumIndicator = [1 0 1]; % the variables in the SVAR are in differences, we want to plot IRFs of the first and last variable by using cumsum
varNames = ["Real Price of Oil","GDP Deflator Inflation","Real GDP"];
epsNames = ["Oil Price Shock", "eps2 Shock", "eps3 Shock"];
IRFpoint_chol = irfPlots(VAR.Acomp,B0inv_chol,nSteps,cumsumIndicator,varNames,epsNames);
IRFpoint_opt = irfPlots(VAR.Acomp,B0inv_opt,nSteps,cumsumIndicator,varNames,epsNames);

%% both approaches are (numerically) equivalent
norm(abs(B0inv_chol-B0inv_opt),'Inf') % max abs error
norm(abs(IRFpoint_chol(:) - IRFpoint_opt(:)),'Inf') % max abs error
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions progs/matlab/USOil_fSR.m
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function f = USOil_fSR(B0inv,hatSigmaU)
% f = USOil_fSR(B0inv,hatSigmaU)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Evaluates the system of nonlinear equations
% vech(hatSigmaU) = vech(B0inv*B0inv')
% subject to specified short-run restrictions
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% - B0inv : candidate for short-run impact matrix. [nvars x nvars]
% - hatSigmaU : covariance matrix of reduced-form residuals. [nvars x nvars]
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% - f : function value, see below
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Willi Mutschler, December 8, 2022
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
f = [vech(B0inv*B0inv' - hatSigmaU);
B0inv(1,2) - 0;
B0inv(1,3) - 0;
B0inv(2,3) - 0;

% % more general way to implement the restrictions
% % nan means unconstrained, 0 (or any other number) restricts to this number
% Rshort = [nan 0 0;
% nan nan 0;
% nan nan nan;
% ];
% selSR = ~isnan(Rshort); % index for short-run restrictions on impact
% f = [vech(B0inv*B0inv'-hatSigmaU);
% B0inv(selSR) - Rshort(selSR);
% ];
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions progs/matlab/keatingSR.m
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% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Short-run restrictions in the Keating (1992) model.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Willi Mutschler, December 27, 2022
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
clearvars; clc; close all;

% data handling
Keating1992 = importdata('../../data/Keating1992.csv');
[obs_nbr,var_nbr] = size(ENDO);

% estimate reduced-form
nlag = 4;
opt.const = 1;
VAR = VARReducedForm(ENDO,nlag,opt);

% identification restrictions are set up in keatingSR_f_SR
f = str2func('keatingSR_f');

% options for fsolve
TolX = 1e-4; % termination tolerance on the current point
TolFun = 1e-9; % termination tolerance on the function value
MaxFunEvals = 50000; % maximum number of function evaluations allowed
MaxIter = 1000; % maximum numberof iterations allowed
OptimAlgorithm = 'trust-region-dogleg'; % algorithm used in fsolve
options = optimset('TolX',TolX,'TolFun',TolFun,'MaxFunEvals',MaxFunEvals,'MaxIter',MaxIter,'Algorithm',OptimAlgorithm);

% initital guess, note that we need candidates for both B_0 and diag(SIG_eps) stored into a single candidate matrix
B0_diageps= [eye(var_nbr) ones(var_nbr,1)]; % the first 4 columns belong to B_0, the last column are the diagonal elements of SIG_eps
f(B0_diageps,VAR.SigmaOLS)' % test whether function works at initial value (should give you no error)

% call optimization routine fsolve to minimize f
[B0_diageps,fval,exitflag,output] = fsolve(f,B0_diageps,options, VAR.SigmaOLS);

% display results
B0 = B0_diageps(:,1:var_nbr); % get B0
SIGeps = B0_diageps(:,var_nbr+1); % these are just the variances
impact = inv(B0)*diag(sqrt(SIGeps)); % compute impact matrix used to plot IRFs, i.e. inv(B0)*sqrt(SigEps)

% compute and plot structural impulse response function
nSteps = 12;
cumsumIndicator = [1 1 0 1];
varNames = ["Deflator", "Real GNP", "Federal Funds Rate", "M1"];
epsNames = ["AS", "IS", "MS", "MD"] + " shock";
irfPoint = irfPlots(VAR.Acomp,impact,nSteps,cumsumIndicator,varNames,epsNames);
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions progs/matlab/keatingSR_f.m
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function f = keatingSR_f(B0_diageps,hatSigmaU)
% f = keatingSR_f(B0_diageps,hatSigmaU)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Evaluates the system of nonlinear equations vech(hatSigmaU) =
% vech(B0inv*SIGeps*B0inv') where SIGeps has only values on the diagonal
% given a candidate for B0 and the diagonal elements of SIGeps
% subject to the short-run restrictions in the Keating (1992) model.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% - B0_diageps [nvars x (nvars+1)] candidate matrix for both short-run impact matrix [nvars x nvars] and diagonal elements of SIGeps (nvar x 1)
% - hatSigmaU [nvars x nvars] covariance matrix of reduced-form residuals
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% - f : function value, see below
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Willi Mutschler, December 14, 2022
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

nvars = size(hatSigmaU,1); % number of variables
B0 = B0_diageps(:,1:nvars); % get B0 matrix from candidate matrix
diageps = diag(B0_diageps(1:nvars,nvars+1)); % get diagonal elements of SIG_eps from candidate matrix and make it a full diagonal matrix
B0inv = inv(B0); % compute short-run impact matrix

f = [vech(B0inv*diageps*B0inv'-hatSigmaU);
B0(1,1) - 1;
B0(3,1) - 0;
B0(4,1) - B0(4,2);
B0(1,2) - 0;
B0(2,2) - 1;
B0(3,2) - 0;
B0(1,3) - 0;
B0(3,3) - 1;
B0(1,4) - 0;
B0(4,4) - 1;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion week_8.tex
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% !TEX root = week_8.tex

\title{Quantitative Macroeconomics\\~\\Winter 2023/24\\~\\Week 8}
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