Classify is a classifieds creation and management system, where potential sellers announce the items they have for sale. All registered users can buy and sell items and, when interested, they contact the sellers through the internal messaging system of the application.
Users can both buy and sell items in the system, which offers a space to place new adds in, and search through existing ads. Alongside this, each user can also favorite ads, to have easier access to them in their profile.
Administrators will have access to a special backoffice desktop application, where they can manage users, ads and categories. All ads posted by regular users need to be approved by an admin before they are visible in the website or mobile app. Admin accounts can't buy and sell products, however: only normal registered accounts can trade in Classify.
The proposal for this project consists in the creation and modeling of a database, software development via web and a mobile app, a backoffice desktop app, as well as maintaining the project's version control in this Github repository and writing a technical report of the project.
Part Name | Description | Language/Technology |
Front-end | Website appearance | HTML + CSS + SCSS + Javascript |
Part A | Web server | Python + FastAPI + SQLAlchemy |
Part B | Main DB server | Linux + MySQL |
Part C | Web API for requests | Node.js + Express + Sequelize |
Part D | Classifieds Server | To Do |
Part E | Backoffice | Electron |
You can see the layout by visiting Classify.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.