This pluggin will use the sequelize orm to create api.models
which contain your sequelize models
- install this plugin:
npm install ah-sequelize-plugin --save
- be sure to enable the pluggin within actionhero (
) - you will need to add the sequelize package (
npm install sequelize --save
) to your package.json - you will need to add the sequelize-fixtures package (
npm install sequelize-fixtures --save
) to your package.json - you will need to add the mysql (or other supported database) package (
npm install mysql --save
) to your package.json
A ./config/sequelize.json
file will be created which will store your database configuration
Use the exports form of sequelize models in ./models
with the file name matching that of the model, IE:
module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) {
return sequelize.define("Project", {
name: DataTypes.STRING,
description: DataTypes.TEXT
Models are loaded into api.models
, so the example above would be api.models.Project
This pluggin does not condone the use of Sequelize.sync()
in favor of migrations. Keep you migrations in ./migrationss
and run api.sequelize.migrate()
An example migration to create a users
table would look like:
// from ./migrations/20140101000001-create-users.js
module.exports = {
up: function(migration, DataTypes, done) {
migration.createTable('users', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
name: DataTypes.STRING,
email: DataTypes.STRING,
phone: DataTypes.STRING,
passwordHash: DataTypes.TEXT,
passwordSalt: DataTypes.TEXT,
createdAt: DataTypes.DATE
updatedAt: DataTypes.DATE
migration.addIndex('users', ['email'], {
indexName: 'email_index',
indicesType: 'UNIQUE'
migration.addIndex('users', ['name'], {
indexName: 'name_index',
indicesType: 'UNIQUE'
migration.addIndex('users', ['phone'], {
indexName: 'phone_index',
indicesType: 'UNIQUE'
down: function(migration, DataTypes, done) {
You can use the sequelize-cli for more utilities or
you can add a migration grunt helper(s) to your actionhero project by adding the below to your gruntfile.js
grunt.registerTask('migrate','run any pending database migrations',function(file){
var done = this.async();
To migrate down also add the following:
grunt.registerTask('migrate:undo','revert and run the “down” action on the last run migration',function(file){
var done = this.async();
If you want to sync, you can api.sequelize.sync()
or api.models.yourModel.sync()
If you want to declare associations, best practice has you create an associations
initializer within your project which might look like this:
exports.associations = function(api, next){
api.associations = {};
api.associations._start = function(api, next){
We use the sequelize-fixtures
package to load in JSON-defined fixtures in the test NODE_ENV. Store your fixtures in ./test/fixtures/*.json
or ./test/fixtures/*.yml