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Solutions for medium and hard problems

# Problem Difficulty Tags Solution
37 Sudoku Solver Hard python3
51 N-Queens Hard python3
57 Insert Interval Medium python3
62 Unique Paths Medium python3
63 Unique Paths II Medium python3
93 Restore IP Addresses Medium python3
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Medium python3
131 Palindrome Partitioning Medium python3
132 Palindrome Partitioning II Hard dynamic-programming python3
134 Gas Station Medium python3
149 Max Points on a Line Hard python3
224 Basic Calculator Hard python3
352 Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals Hard python3
452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons Medium python3
454 4Sum II Medium python3
491 Non-decreasing Subsequences Medium python3
684 Redundant Connection Medium union-find python3
685 Redundant Connection II Hard union-find python3
695 Max Area of Island Medium union-find python3
721 Accounts Merge Medium union-find python3
765 Couples Holding Hands Hard union-find python3
787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Medium python3
909 Snakes and Ladders Medium python3
918 Maximum Sum Circular Subarray Medium python3
926 Flip String to Monotone Increasing Medium python3
974 Subarray Sums Divisible by K Medium python3
980 Unique Paths III Hard python3
1011 Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days Medium python3
1015 Smallest Integer Divisible by K Medium python3
1036 Escape a Large Maze Hard python3
1061 Lexicographically Smallest Equivalent String Medium union-find python3
1239 Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters Medium python3
1443 Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree Medium python3
1519 Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same Label Medium python3
1833 Maximum Ice Cream Bars Medium python3
2244 Minimum Rounds to Complete All Tasks Medium python3
2246 Longest Path with Different Adjacent Characters Medium python3
2364 Count Number of Bad Pairs Medium python3
2421 Number of Good Paths Hard union-find python3


Union Find

Also called Disjoint Set.

Dynamic Programming


Python solutions for leetcode






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