OpenWeatherMap has announced that access to One Call 2.5 will be discontinued in June 2024. While the app is compatible with One Call 3.0, the subscription requires a credit card, even though no payments will be charged due to the 1000 free daily calls. I recommend transitioning to my Cirrus app, which utilizes data from Open-Meteo, as I believe it offers superior information.![]()
Send a coffee to woheller69@t-online.deOr via this link (with fees)
This application is forked from Privacy Friendly Weather ( a privacy friendly weather app. The original function has been modified to support the new OpenWeather One Call API, which provides a lot more features, like precipitation forecast for the next 60 minutes, hourly forecasts for the next 2 days, 8 day week forecasts, etc. In addition a rain radar functionality powered by RainViewer API ( has been added. More weather categories were added, most images and icons were replaced. RadiusSearch now also shows the results on a map with weather icons. A chart showing forecasts with min/max temperature and precipitation for the next week has been added. In addition to the built in city list it is now also possible to use search-as-you-type location search via the photon API ( which is based on OpenStreetMap.
There are also three new widgets:
If permission for GPS is given the widget will automatically update position on a regular base.
As One Call API only allows 1000 free calls per day an own OpenWeatherMap API key is mandatory.
You need a free subscription and OneCallAPI 3.0 with a limit of 1000 (free) calls per day. OneCallAPI 2.5 has been discontinued by openWeatherMap
Please register for free account at:
Use Cirrus instead if you do not yet have an API key.
This app - like the original app Privacy Friendly Weather - is licensed under the GPLv3.
The app also uses:
- The weather data service is provided by OpenWeatherMap, under Creative Commons licence CC BY-SA 4.0
- Icons from Google Material Design Icons licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- Material Components for Android ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- Leaflet which is licensed under the very permissive 2-clause BSD License
- Leaflet.TileLayer.ColorFilter which is licensed under MIT License
- RainViewer API which is free ( & RainViewer API Example (
- WilliamChart (com.db.chart) ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- Android SQLiteAssetHelper (com.readystatesoftware.sqliteasset) ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- Android Volley ( ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- AndroidX libraries ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- AutoSuggestTextViewAPICall ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- Map data from OpenStreetMap, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) (
- Search-as-you-type location search is provided by photon API, based on OpenStreetMap. See also (
If you find a bug, please open an issue in the Github repository, assuming one does not already exist.
- Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce when it is a bug. In some cases screenshots can be supportive.
- Make sure you mention the Android version and the device you have used when you encountered the issue.
- Make your description as precise as possible.
If you know the solution to a bug please report it in the corresponding issue and if possible modify the code and create a pull request.