Git work flow (script)
What workflow do you want to execute?
Possible workflows:
cr <branch> - create work branch.
pub - pull followed by rebase.
th - pull followed by rebase, take their version.
pr - push ready branch.
am - ammend last commit, edit message.
ac - add modified files with commit message (work branch name).
reb - list ten most recent branches.
lbr - push local branch to remote server.
ec <message> - add empty commit with <message>.
More advanced usecases:
cp <branch> <id>
Create <branch>. Cherry pick <id> and commiot it.
Execute ${REPO_NAME} script to execute any often executed checks prior to pushing.
\{REPO_NAME} is the name of the gif repository in which this tool is executed.
For this repository the script is located in /home/${USER}/.gwf/
Often used commands turned into simple workflows.
For example:
gfw cr update_something -> creates update_something branch tracking the remote main or master or whatever its called.
Update some files ..
gwf ac -> Create a commit with the changed files, use branch name as commit message.
Update some files ..
gwf am -> amend any changes to the , edit commit message.
gwf lbr -> push the branch with the same name as the local branch.