#Gulp start
- I am from Poland - where is Poland
- I am working with angularjs 2,5 years
- I used grunt till now and want to check gulp - this is what I found.
- I am lazy. Lazy means I don't like to repeat my work. I like do things easy.
- Minify
- Concat
- Less to CSS
- Testing
- code analysis
Code quality, Tests, Build pipeline Work smarter, not harder! - John Papa
| Grunt | Gulp | | Configuration over code | Code over configuration | | File based | Stream based | | 3900+ plugins | 1100+ plugins | | | use node more readily |
gulp.task(name [, dependencies], fn)
- dependencies run first before task runs
- dependencies run in parallel When? test + lint code | Optimize files | Serve your app
gulp.src(glob [, options])
-take a file system set of files
- emits files that match
- optionally specify options to apply on a glob
defines how much of the path retain
gulp.dest(folder [, options])
piped files are writen to the file system
Options to apply on a output folder
gulp.watch(glob [, options], tasks) || gulp.watch(glob [, options], callbackFunction)
run one or more tasks when file matched by glob changed
callbackFunction(event) - event { type + path}
When? tests run | code lints | compile to css
npm install -g yo gulp bower
npm install -g generator-gulp-angular
yo gulp-angular
var gulp = require('gulp')
gulp.task('foo', function() {
console.log('This is my first gulp task')
- JSCS - JavaScript code style checker
It enforce your style guide
- JSHint - JavaScript code Analysis
Detects error and potential problems
npm install -g jshint'
npm install jshint gulp-jshint gulp-jscs --save-dev`
- jshint-stylish
- gulp-if
- yargs
- gulp-print
- gulp-load-plugins
npm install gulp-less gulp-autoprefixer del --save-dev
npm install --save-dev gulp-plumber
- gulp-autoprefixer
- gulp-less
- gulp-plumber
on('error', function(error) { this.emit('end'); })