Telegram based cloud storage solution with AES256 encryption and an integrated user interface.
This program allows you to synchronize your files in a specific folder with a Telegram channel.
All files are encrypted and cannot be viewed by anyone but you!
Big files (20 MB+) are split into several smaller chunks.
Files are compressed.
Files are stored without extensions in a random string format, and it loops through every one of them until it finds the one you need (usually doesn't take a long time, unless you have 1000+ files).
Files are downloaded via their UID, since we can't really keep track of everything and store everything in the filename itself. That's why we use a metadata file which stores every info.
Multi-directory support is present, and you can even upload files with extensions which will automatically get their extension!
- /upload - lets you upload and encrypt your file to the Telegram cloud
- /sync - synchronizes your uploads folder with the Telegram cloud [tech]
- /download %file_uid% - downloads a file by its UID in the specified folder
- /list - gives an embed of every file you store in the Telegram cloud
This is basically how your folder should look like. Edit 'app_id' and 'app_hash' to your own one, and login via the CMD afterwards. Voila. Oh, and also make sure you change the 'invite_link' to a PRIVATE telegram CHANNEL.
telethon, cryptography, aiofiles, hashlib, watchdog, zlib
Inspired by 'Dev Detour' YouTube channel. I made everything from scratch and I barely watched the video, but it's still a pretty cool concept.