A project experimenting with using synthetically created character images from TrueType font in a CNN system used to recognize handwritten characters.
From Keras MNIST Tutorial
Create a Virtual Environment using Conda.
conda create -n ENVNAME
Activate the environment.
source activate ENVNAME
You can either use Theano or Tensorflow. Config the backend choice in ~/.keras/keras.json
conda install numpy scipy mkl nose sphinx keras theano matplotlib
pip install sklearn
config in ~/.theanorc
Mac OS X 10.13 have some problems with CUDA on my machine (GT750m) so I will use CPU only for now.
conda install -c conda-forge pygpu
conda install pillow
ref: Pillow
for cv2 to work (utility to deal with images)
conda install -c clinicalgraphics vtk
conda create -n ENVNAME
conda env list