Yeoman generator that scaffolds an opinionated WordPress app
- A modified version of _s (underscores) WordPress starter theme
- Foundation framework for responsive web design
- GruntJS for build task automation
Maintainer: @micjamking Contributors: @nainoa
NodeJS & Yeoman are obviously required. Additionally, this package requires the following packages:
- WP-CLI command line interface for WordPress
$ curl -O
$ chmod +x wp-cli.phar
$ sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
$ wp --info
Download the generator
$ npm install -g generator-microcebus
Run the generator
$ yo microcebus
| | .--------------------------.
|--(o)--| | Welcome to the |
`---------´ | Microcebus WordPress |
( _´U`_ ) | generator! |
/___A___\ '--------------------------'
| ~ |
´ ` |° ´ Y `
? GitHub Username (for Theme Author info)?
? Theme Name:
? Theme Slug:
? Theme Description:
? Database Name:
? Database User:
? Database Password:
*Make sure MySQL is started and the database username and password exist, otherwise WP CLI will choke during installation.
Only tested on OSX
MIT © Mike King