This example React Native application showcases the basic use of @dr.pogodin/react-native-static-server to serve a simple static website which is rendered inside the app using react-native-webview component. It also demonstrates a few optional features relevant to such example, like messaging between the native app and a web app inside react-native-webview, and opening selected web app links separately in the system browser app.
BEWARE: To facilitate library development needs, this example is set up differently from a real project — instead of consuming library code from a node module installed from NPM, this example consumes the library from its parent folder. Because of this, be sure to execute in the parent folder:
# This might be not strictly needed, but good to be consistent with
# the usual environment of the example during library development.
npm install
# This clones and checks out the source code for PCRE2 and Lighttpd,
# which would be already packed into the library package from NPM.
git submodule update --init --recursive
With parent folder dependencies taken care of, follow the usual RN drill to prepare and run the example:
npm install
npm start
- On Android:
npm run android
- On iOS:
cd ios && RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 pod install
is optional, omit it to build for the old RN architecture. -
Then open, build, and run the project in XCode.