Release - Docker
For GLOBAL users:
docker run -e LAFREGION=US -e APPLANG=en_US --name mylaftools -v ~/.laftools-docker:/root/.laftools -d -p codegentoolbox/laftools-linux-x64:latest
For CHINESE users(国内用户):
docker run -e LAFREGION=CN -e APPLANG=zh_CN --name mylaftools -v ~/.laftools-docker:/root/.laftools -d -p codegentoolbox/laftools-linux-x64:latest
- Default port is set to 39899, you can adjust it if needed.
- LafTools will always be upgraded to latest version automatically so that you can enjoy latest functions and bugfixs.
Docker Images:
Release - Desktop
We're still working on desktop edition, kindly stay tuned, thanks!