This SDK allows experimenting with the DREAMaaS API on a cluster.
We assume a linux machine with a recent distribution.
Prerequisites: Java 7, git, maven3 (For Ubuntu, see The command will be then 'mvn3' instead of 'mvn'.)
We use the datastax packages for cassandra. For instructions, see For red-hat like systems, as root, do
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/datastax.repo <<EOF
name= DataStax Repo for Apache Cassandra
yum install cassandra12
systemctl start cassandra.service
to make sure cassandra start at boot
systemctl enable cassandra.service
to see if it runs correctly
systemctl status cassandra.service
The distributed version requires a cluster of at least three Cassandra servers
The sdk can be cloned from github ( The repository is called taskworker-core. Checking out the repository and compiling the code can be done with the following commands:
git clone git://
cd taskworker-core
mvn clean install
This generates a jar in the target directory with all dependencies included.
The mvn install command also installs the generated artifacts in your local repository.
In target a tar.bz2 file of the project is created, in conjunction with the spec file in the root, an rpm file can be created for recent fedora versions:
cp target/taskworker-core.tar.bz2 ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
rpmbuild -bb taskworker-core.spec
For a manual install:
Copy the generated jar to /usr/share/java
cp target/taskworker-core.jar /usr/share/java
Copy the two executable scripts to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
cp bin/taskworker-server bin/taskworker-client /usr/bin
Create the configuration directory
mkdir /etc/taskworker
Properties can be overridden by defining them in /etc/taskworker/
Note: In the taskworker-server script the location of the properties file and the jar can be changed.
The taskworker-workers repository contains the code for several workers and integration projects that generate jar with all the worker code and have a configuration file that defines the workers, the schedular config and the workflows.
The /etc/taskworker/ properties file should define the location of the workflow configuration file (yaml file format) in the property taskworker.configfile
The properties file determines which components of the server are started:
workers: The workers defined and used the workflows
scheduler: A scheduler that starts jobs by moving them onto the work queue. Only one scheduler per "cluster" must be started.
rest: A rest interface to submit jobs and track their progress.
By default the middleware starts a non-distributed version which uses local locking only. In a distributed setting the workers need at least 3 cassandra instances to ensure quorum is achieved when a lock is requested. To start the distirbutedment version set taskworker.distributed property to true.
The taskworker-client script is a Python script that uses the built-in REST interface to interact with the taskworker-server.