OffCanvas (Sidenav/Drawer) component for Vue.js
Create a smooth off-canvas sidebar that slides in and out of the page.
- a11y friendly.
- Support multiples OffCanvas.
- You can optionallity push your content when the OffCanvas is open.
Install the package using npm
$ npm install wovue-off-canvas --save
Install the plugin
import Vue from 'vue'
import OffCanvas from 'wovue-off-canvas'
Note only with webpack
you can import CSS
in javascript.
<wv-off-canvas ref="menu">
<!-- off-canvas content -->
<!-- content to push -->
<button v-off-canvas:toggle="menu" type="button">Toggle menu</button>
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload src-docs at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification src-docs and src
npm run build
# copy docs folder to gh-pages branch and push
npm run deploy-docs