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=== Appointments  ===
Contributors: WPMUDEV, WPMUDEV-Support1, WPMUDEV-Support2, WPMUDEV-Support4, WPMUDEV-Support6
Tags: Appointment,Booking,Calendar,Reservation,Scheduling,google calendar,
Requires at least: 3.7
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPL2

The most powerful, flexible and feature-rich bookings plugin available for WordPress. Appointments does it all.

== Description ==

Appointments is a powerful, flexible and feature-rich plugin that allows you to accept, set and manage your bookings on your site.

Do you constantly swap between your website and your appointment booking system, juggling calls and missing new clients who fall through the cracks?

Ditch your diary and save a fortune in time and money with Appointments!


= Appointments Does It All = 
Appointments is the most comprehensive bookings plugin available for WordPress. It’s ideal for businesses and individuals who schedule times with clients, such as consultants, web designers, spa, hair salons, photographers and sales executives.

With Appointments:

* Customers can book their own appointments on your site
* You can schedule appointments with clients
* Manage customer contact information
* Collect payments or deposits using PayPal
* Manage your entire team, create service providers and services
* Send confirmation and reminder emails to increase customer attendance rates
* Allow you and your clients to book appointments up to one year in advance
* Manage appointments using Google calendar

= Book an Appointment in Just Three Clicks = 

Use Paypal to collect payments and deposits right out of the box with Appointments. No button creation or coding necessary. Or integrate with <a href="">MarketPress</a> to support a wide variety of gateways.

You can even integrate the plugin with Membership by WPMU DEV to offer discounts and payment vouchers to existing members of your site.

= Customize Your Appointment Calendar = 

Set up customizable profiles for each of your staff members and Appointments will automatically display their available time slots.

Clients can click any service your company offers and Appointments will display all your available team members for that service.

= Integrate Appointments with Google Calendar =

Admins and clients can save any appointment directly to their Google Calendar with no API coding required.

There is also the option to fully integrate Google Calendar with your site by entering API credentials, allowing you to make appointment edits from your Google Calendar and push changes back to your site.

= 30+ Custom Features =

Appointments has features that rival the most sophisticated  – and much more expensive – booking platforms, including:

* Create “black out” dates and times
* Edit schedules from back end of WordPress, on admin or profile pages
* Compatible with BuddyPress
* Short codes for inserting into posts/pages
* Creates automatic appointment page including all required shortcodes
* Display weekly, or monthly schedules
* Limit booking of appointments in advance ( e.g. you can set, say, two days to 365 days from today is allowed)
* Gravatar support for personalizing provider profiles
* Custom Color labels for appointments
* Form autofill for repeat clients
* Login with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or WordPress
* Integrates with WPMU DEV Membership plugin, thus ability to offer discount to certain membership levels
* Integrates with WPMU DEV MarketPress plugin, thus uses its additional payment gateways (PayPal is already included), and also allows for multiple bookings.
* Option to require payments or deposits in advance
* Deposits can be selected as percentage or as fixed amounts
* Synchronizes with your Google Calendar account and automatically updates it
* Send clients appointment reminders
* Take phone appointments manually
* Ability to automatically remove unpaid appointments after a set time
* Multiple custom widgets included
* Documentation inside the plugin including tutorials and FAQ’s
* More than 130 custom filter and action hooks
* Support for multiple break times
* Worker calendar shortcodes

= Want More? =

<a href="">Download the pro version</a> for greater functionality and advanced features:

* Create unlimited services
* Create unlimited service provider profiles
* Administrative Permissions - Allows you to select who can do what in your admin backend.
* Export Date Range - Allows you to export appointments within a date range
* Allow HTML emails - By default, the plugin sends plain text emails. Activating this add-on will allow your emails to be sent as HTML.
* Locations - Allows you to create locations for your appointments.
* Locations on Google Maps - Allows you to bind locations to your services.
* Service Locations - Allows you to bind locations to your services.
* Worker Locations - Allows you to bind locations to your Service Providers.
* Appointments in product cart - Control how your appointments show in the MarketPress product cart.
* Biography post type - Allows you to select a post type for your service providers biographies (available under Settings > General > Advanced Settings)
* Service Description post type - Allows you to select a post type for your service descriptions (available under Settings > General > Advanced Settings)
* Service provider names - Allows you to select how a service provider will be introduced to your customers.
* Durations - Allows you to make changes to service durations calculus
* Paddings - Allows you to add padding times surrounding your appointment intervals.
* Shared Resources - Allows your services to define shared real-life resources, such as rooms or vehicles. The services that share resources will only allow appointments up to minimum common capacity.
* Show Scheduled Users - Shows scheduled user names for unavailable appointment schedule segments.
* Additional fields - Allows you to require additional fields to be entered by your users.
* Limit Services Login - Allows you to choose which social services you allow your users to log in with.

== Installation ==
= To Install: =

1.  Download the Appointments plugin file
2.  Unzip the file into a folder on your hard drive
3.  Upload the `/appointments/` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` folder on your site
4.  Visit your Dashboard -> Plugins and Activate it there.

= To Set Up And Configure Appointments =
* You can find <a href=''>in-depth setup and usage instructions with screenshots here &raquo;</a>

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Do I need to be a paid WPMU DEV member? =
No. This plugin is offered at no charge. A full-featured, premium version is available for purchase on WPMU DEV.

What else could I get in the premium version?

* Create unlimited services
* Create unlimited service provider profiles
* Administrative Permissions - Allows you to select who can do what in your admin backend.
* Export Date Range - Allows you to export appointments within a date range
* Allow HTML emails - By default, the plugin sends plain text emails. Activating this add-on will allow your emails to be sent as HTML.
* Locations - Allows you to create locations for your appointments.
* Locations on Google Maps - Allows you to bind locations to your services.
* Service Locations - Allows you to bind locations to your services.
* Worker Locations - Allows you to bind locations to your Service Providers.
* Appointments in product cart - Control how your appointments show in the MarketPress product cart.
* Biography post type - Allows you to select a post type for your service providers biographies (available under Settings > General > Advanced Settings)
* Service Description post type - Allows you to select a post type for your service descriptions (available under Settings > General > Advanced Settings)
* Service provider names - Allows you to select how a service provider will be introduced to your customers.
* Durations - Allows you to make changes to service durations calculus
* Paddings - Allows you to add padding times surrounding your appointment intervals.
* Shared Resources - Allows your services to define shared real-life resources, such as rooms or vehicles. The services that share resources will only allow appointments up to minimum common capacity.
* Show Scheduled Users - Shows scheduled user names for unavailable appointment schedule segments.
* Additional fields - Allows you to require additional fields to be entered by your users.
* Limit Services Login - Allows you to choose which social services you allow your users to log in with.

<a href=''>**Upgrade to the full version now &raquo;**</a>

= How do I get support? =
We provide comprehensive and guaranteed support on the <a href=''>WPMU DEV forums</a> and <a href=''>live chat</a> only.

== Screenshots ==

1. Style and display a calendar on your site where clients can select and make appointments.
2. You can create profiles for each of your staff members listing their qualifications, experience or any other details about what they offer.
3. Clients can click any service your company offers and Appointments + will display all your available team members for that service.
4. Payment settings page
5. Google Calendar integration

== Changelog ==

= 1.4.3 =
* Initial Free Release