This is a food management application that helps users plan, track, and manage their food resources efficiently. With a user-friendly interface, we aim to reduce food waste, improve meal planning, a create a sustainable food system through the app.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the project in Android Studio:
- Launch Android Studio.
- Click on Open an existing project and navigate to the cloned repository folder.
- Select the project to open it in Android Studio.
- Build and Run the Project:
- Ensure you have an Android device connected or an emulator set up.
- Click on the green "Run" button in Android Studio or use the shortcut (Shift+F10).
- Configure Firebase:
- Add your own Firebase configuration file (google-services.json) in the app directory for Firebase authentication and database to work.
- Launch the app on your Android device.
- Register for an account or sign in with an existing account.
- Start adding items to your inventory and explore meal planning and recipe suggestions.
- Monitor your food items, check expiration dates, and receive notifications when food is about to expire.
@HuangDerek @wp043 @stevenzhang070302 @qzheng75 @NMX0710 @hannahhhuang