This is a small program written in C++ that will output 8-length upper alpha combinations while skipping over certain combinations it believes to be invalid.
Only combinations which meet these criteria will be printed:
• each character cannot appear more than 3 times
• no 3 characters in a row can be identical
• no 3 characters in a row can be sequential (ABC)
• no 3 characters in a row can be reverse sequential (CBA)
• character 2 is not equal to character 1
• character 2 is not +1 to character 1
• character 2 is not +2 to character 1
• character 2 is not +3 to character 1
• character 2 is not +4 to character 1
• character 2 is not +5 to character 1
• character 2 is not -1 to character 1
• character 2 is not -3 to character 1
• character 2 is not -4 to character 1
• character 3 is not equal to character 1
• character 3 is not +2 to character 1
• character 3 is not equal to character 2
• character 3 is not +2 to character 2
• character 3 is not +3 to character 2
• character 3 is not +4 to character 2
• character 3 is not +5 to character 2
• character 3 is not -1 to character 1
• character 3 is not -2 to character 2
• character 3 is not -4 to character 2
• character 3 is not -5 to character 2
• character 5 is not equal to character 1
• character 5 is not equal to character 4
• character 8 is not equal to character 6
• characters 1 and 3 and 4 are not identical
• characters 1 and 3, and 2 and 4 are not identical
• characters 2, 3 and 8 cannot be identical
• characters 3 and 5, and 4 and 6 are not identical
Without any rules applied there are 208,827,064,576 (26^8) possible combinations in the keyspace.
Applying these rules brings it down to 79,593,411,812 combinations (or about 38% of the keyspace).
To compile on Windows (requires the Windows 7 SDK):
cl /EHsc ua.cpp
To compile on Linux:
g++ ua.cpp -oua
##Example usage:
ua | oclHashcat64 -m 2500 CAP.hccap
pipes its output into oclHashcat (AMD)
ua | cudaHashcat64 -m 2500 CAP.hccap
pipes its output into cudaHashcat (NVIDIA)
ua | aircrack-ng -w - CAP.cap -e SSID
pipes its output into aircrack-ng
./ua | pyrit -r CAP.cap -i- attack_passthrough
pipes its output into pyrit
You can optionally specify any of these parameters to further refine your output.
Will randomize its output while still maintaining rules
Forces all output to be uppercase
Forces all output to be lowercase
Will not include the letters I or O (they are included by default)
Only outputs combinations which have X unique characters in them (typically 6, 7 or 8)
Only outputs combinations which have a minimum of X unique characters in them.
Only outputs combinations which start with X (can be A-Z).
-start X
Start on combination X (where X is a number between 0 and 79593411812)
-stop X
Stop on combination X (where X is a number between 1 and 79593411812)