This module is still being developed and not ready for production usage yet. There will be many smaller alpha releases the coming weeks, often with breaking changes.
I am working towards a stable release. And will inform about it here
Nuxt module for using WordPress as a headless CMS with a Nuxt 3 frontend
- Content is fetched from WordPress using server-side GraphQL api calls
- Support for (Gutenberg Blocks) by adding the separate @wpnuxt/blocks, which uses WPEngine's wp-graphql-content-blocks and a set of custom vue components
Install the module to your Nuxt application with one command:
npx nuxi module add @wpnuxt/core
And connect WPNuxt to your wordpress installation in your nuxt.config.ts:
wpNuxt: {
wordpressUrl: ''
That's it! You can now use the WPNuxt module in your Nuxt app ✨
# Install dependencies
pnpm install
# Generate type stubs
pnpm run dev:prepare
# Develop with the playground
pnpm run dev
# Build the playground
pnpm run dev:build
# Run ESLint
pnpm run lint
# Run Vitest
pnpm run test
pnpm run test:watch
# Release new version
pnpm run release