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Matt Senate edited this page May 20, 2014 · 6 revisions

For background, see on-wiki project page:

This project has several components, the overall goals include:

  1. Prototype effective signals for Open Access content
  2. Development of citation / reference bots
  3. Uploading content, especially plain text, media, and meta data
  4. Integrating several Wikimedia data sources with one another.
  5. Integrating with third party services, such as:
    1. OA Button
    2. ImpactStory
    3. PeerLibrary

In order to coordinate this, we have articulated:

  1. Data Flow
  2. Timeline
  3. Schedule
  4. [Bot Specification](wiki/Bot Specification)

Unless otherwise noted, documentation is released under the Creative Commons 0 Public Domain Dedication waiver with a public license fallback (CC0)

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