An Alfred snippets collection for extended ASCII characters.
Previously, I Googled and then copy/pasted trademark symbols, currency symbols, etc. Now, I just yank it from this snippet collection. Enjoy!
Description | Symbol |
Euro sign | € |
Single low-9 quotation mark | ‚ |
Latin small letter f with hook | ƒ |
Double low-9 quotation mark | „ |
Horizontal ellipsis | … |
Dagger | † |
Double dagger | ‡ |
Modifier letter circumflex accent | ˆ |
Per mille sign | ‰ |
Latin capital letter S with caron | Š |
Single left-pointing angle quotation | ‹ |
Latin capital ligature OE | Œ |
Latin captial letter Z with caron | Ž |
Left single quotation mark | ‘ |
Right single quotation mark | ’ |
Left double quotation mark | “ |
Right double quotation mark | ” |
Bullet | • |
En dash | – |
Em dash | — |
Small tilde | ˜ |
Trade mark sign | ™ |
Latin small letter S with caron | š |
Single right-pointing angle quotation mark | › |
Latin small ligature oe | œ |
Latin small letter z with caron | ž |
Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis | Ÿ |
Non-breaking space | |
Inverted exclamation mark | ¡ |
Cent sign | ¢ |
Pound sign | £ |
Currency sign | ¤ |
Yen sign | ¥ |
Pipe, Broken vertical bar | ¦ |
Section sign | § |
Spacing diaeresis - umlaut | ¨ |
Copyright sign | © |
Feminine ordinal indicator | ª |
Left double angle quotes | « |
Not sign | ¬ |
Soft hyphen | |
Registered trade mark sign | ® |
Spacing macron - overline | ¯ |
Degree sign | ° |
Plus-or-minus sign | ± |
Superscript two - squared | ² |
Superscript three - cubed | ³ |
Acute accent - spacing acute | ´ |
Micro sign | µ |
Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign | ¶ |
Middle dot - Georgian comma | · |
Spacing cedilla | ¸ |
Superscript one | ¹ |
Masculine ordinal indicator | º |
Right double angle quotes | » |
Fraction one quarter | ¼ |
Fraction one half | ½ |
Fraction three quarters | ¾ |
Inverted question mark | ¿ |
Latin capital letter A with grave | À |
Latin capital letter A with acute | Á |
Latin capital letter A with circumflex | Â |
Latin capital letter A with tilde | Ã |
Latin capital letter A with diaeresis | Ä |
Latin capital letter A with ring above | Å |
Latin capital letter AE | Æ |
Latin capital letter C with cedilla | Ç |
Latin capital letter E with grave | È |
Latin capital letter E with acute | É |
Latin capital letter E with circumflex | Ê |
Latin capital letter E with diaeresis | Ë |
Latin capital letter I with grave | Ì |
Latin capital letter I with acute | Í |
Latin capital letter I with circumflex | Î |
Latin capital letter I with diaeresis | Ï |
Latin capital letter ETH | Ð |
Latin capital letter N with tilde | Ñ |
Latin capital letter O with grave | Ò |
Latin capital letter O with acute | Ó |
Latin capital letter O with circumflex | Ô |
Latin capital letter O with tilde | Õ |
Latin capital letter O with diaeresis | Ö |
Multiplication sign | × |
Latin capital letter O with slash | Ø |
Latin capital letter U with grave | Ù |
Latin capital letter U with acute | Ú |
Latin capital letter U with circumflex | Û |
Latin capital letter U with diaeresis | Ü |
Latin capital letter Y with acute | Ý |
Latin capital letter THORN | Þ |
Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed | ß |
Latin small letter a with grave | à |
Latin small letter a with acute | á |
Latin small letter a with circumflex | â |
Latin small letter a with tilde | ã |
Latin small letter a with diaeresis | ä |
Latin small letter a with ring above | å |
Latin small letter ae | æ |
Latin small letter c with cedilla | ç |
Latin small letter e with grave | è |
Latin small letter e with acute | é |
Latin small letter e with circumflex | ê |
Latin small letter e with diaeresis | ë |
Latin small letter i with grave | ì |
Latin small letter i with acute | í |
Latin small letter i with circumflex | î |
Latin small letter i with diaeresis | ï |
Latin small letter eth | ð |
Latin small letter n with tilde | ñ |
Latin small letter o with grave | ò |
Latin small letter o with acute | ó |
Latin small letter o with circumflex | ô |
Latin small letter o with tilde | õ |
Latin small letter o with diaeresis | ö |
Division sign | ÷ |
Latin small letter o with slash | ø |
Latin small letter u with grave | ù |
Latin small letter u with acute | ú |
Latin small letter u with circumflex | û |
Latin small letter u with diaeresis | ü |
Latin small letter y with acute | ý |
Latin small letter thorn | þ |
Latin small letter y with diaeresis | ÿ |