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Announcing the release of TestGrid 1.0

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@kasunbg kasunbg released this 07 Jan 12:12
· 833 commits to master since this release

We are pleased to announce the release of TestGrid 1.0

TestGrid provides enterprise customers with the confidence that the products and fixes they get from WSO2 are tested against all product scenarios against a wide-array of infrastructures and deployments, hence is production-ready.

We do that by running scenario tests against product deployments on numerous infrastructures. Infrastructures include public cloud providers, operating systems, databases, jdk and so on. For ease of modeling, we think that the underlying infrastructure, deployment patterns, and tests as three orthogonal concepts.

This means same test script can be used across multiple product deployments irrespective of whether the deployment is done on Linux or Windows, database is mysql or something else etc. We also think that integration test scripts are independent of the product deployment patterns. For example, a API-M single node deployment and clustered deployment should provide the same functionality, hence the functional tests does not differ between different patterns.

This is summarized here:

  • Provision an infrastructure on AWS and other infrastructure providers via Infrastructure-as-Code (IAC) scripts. WSO2 internally use Testgrid with WSO2 written IaC scripts for this purpose, since it allows to validate production readiness of the scripts as well.

  • Do WSO2 product deployments on top the provisioned infrastructure. We do that by running Configuration -Management scripts (Puppet/Ansible) provided for WSO2 products.

  • Run JMeter/Selenium/TestNG scenarios against the deployment to certify the created deployment pattern against the given infrastructure combination.

  • In the end, Testgrid generates a report that shows the outcome of the scenario tests. All is good if it is green; start worrying if it is red! :)

With this release, TestGrid has following features & improvements:

  • Support to provision infrastructures for these;
    -- Cloud provider: AWS, Kubernetes (via AWS EKS)
    -- OS : CentOS 7.5, Redhat 7.5, Ubuntu 18.04, Windows 2016
    -- JDK : Oracle JDK 8, Open JDK 8
    -- DB : MySQL 5.7, 5.6, Oracle 11g, 12c, SQLServer, Postgres

  • Specialized support to provision infrastructures with Cloudformation on AWS cloud. This allows you to run tests for parallel deployments using same cloudformation script content. It also provides a AWS resource manager that understands the resource limits of your AWS acct. Finally, it can look up AMI that matches the operating-system you need.

  • Specialized support for JMeter and TestNG result parsing

  • Build failure email alerts, and a dashboard that shows the test results with download links to relevant logs

  • Real-time slack notifications for individual test plan failures

Known Issues:

A Testgrid deployment is currently run internally at WSO2 to verify wum-based updates and product releases it ship. It is also available as a private beta for WSO2 customers.

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