The AWS Resource Cleaner make easily you to delete your aws resources that provisioned it without IaC.
If you not used IaC, deleting a aws resource is very difficult and it have complex procedure, cause aws resources has dependency between their.
for example, you should delete chained-security-group, nat-gateway and so on at first if you want to delete a vpc.
But, the AWS Resource Cleaner pre defined complex procedure for delete all resources, so you just use only simple API such as iam_cleaner()
Download script
git clone
Create virtual environment and install python packages
cd aws-resource-cleaner/ python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Setting your aws credential and config
please ref for aws docs
verify credential
aws sts get-caller-identity
verify configured region
aws configure get region
Run script