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AEM Project Archetype

⚠️ This project is deprecated. Instead, consider using more up-to-date approach: Gradle AEM Plugin Launcher - Enhancing Maven Build

Gradle empowered Maven template that creates a minimal, best-practices-based Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) project as a starting point for your website.

Gradle build

  • dedicated for local AEM development environment,
  • useful for setting up AEM author, publish & dispatcher in a fully automated manner,
  • much better build speed and toolset designed for better AEM developer productivity.

Hybrid Gradle&Maven build

  • is a combination of Gradle invoking Maven for building artifacts (packages, bundles, clientlibs),
  • artifacts are cached by Gradle, so they are only incrementally rebuilt (only if changes are detected),
  • artifacts built by Maven are later deployed by GAP using advanced techniques (deep instance health checking, deploy avoidance and more).
  • Gradle designated for local AEM development with improved build performance,
  • Maven designated for CI/CD and AEM Cloud Manager builds.

Source code: here

Archetype usage:

mvn -B archetype:generate \
 -D archetypeGroupId=com.cognifide.aem \
 -D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype-hybrid \
 -D archetypeVersion=24 \
 -D aemVersion=cloud \
 -D appTitle="My Site" \
 -D appId="mysite" \
 -D groupId="com.mysite" \
 -D frontendModule=general \
 -D includeExamples=n

Dual Gradle&Maven build

  • assumes usage of 2 completely separate build configurations (Maven & Gradle) effectively providing same artifacts (packages, bundles, clientlibs),
  • Gradle designated for local AEM development with best build performance,
  • Maven designated for CI/CD and AEM Cloud Manager builds.

Source code: here

Archetype usage:

mvn -B archetype:generate \
 -D archetypeGroupId=com.cognifide.aem \
 -D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype-dual \
 -D archetypeVersion=24 \
 -D aemVersion=cloud \
 -D appTitle="My Site" \
 -D appId="mysite" \
 -D groupId="com.mysite" \
 -D frontendModule=general \
 -D includeExamples=n


  • Archetype Documentation: Overview of the archetype architecture and its different modules.
  • Following tutorials are based off this archetype:
    • WKND Site: Learn how to start a fresh new website.
    • WKND SPA Learn how to build a React or Angular webapp that is fully authorable in AEM.


  • Best Practice: Bootstrap your site with all of Adobe's latest recommended practices.
  • Low-Code: Edit your templates, create content, deploy your CSS, and your site is ready for go-live.
  • Cloud-Ready: If desired, use AEM as a Cloud Service to go-live in few days and ease scalability and maintenance.
  • Dispatcher: A project is complete only with a Dispatcher configuration that ensures speed and security.
  • Multi-Site: If needed, the archetype generates the content structure for a multi-language and multi-region setup.
  • Core Components: Authors can create nearly any layout with our versatile set of standardized components.
  • Editable Templates: Assemble virtually any template without code, and define what the authors are allowed to edit.
  • Responsive Layout: On templates or individual pages, define how the elements reflow for the defined breakpoints.
  • Header and Footer: Assemble and localize them without code, using the localization features of the components.
  • Style System: Avoid building custom components by allowing authors to apply different styles to them.
  • Front-End Build: Front-end devs can mock AEM pages and build client libraries with Webpack, TypeScript, and SASS.
  • WebApp-Ready: For sites using React or Angular, use the SPA SDK to retain in-context authoring of the app.
  • Commerce Enabled: For projects that want to use Commerce Integration Framework (CIF) to integrate with commerce solutions like Magento.
  • Testing: ready-to-use Functional and UI testing modules, start adding your own tests
  • Example Code: Checkout the HelloWorld component, and the sample models, servelets, filters, and schedulers.
  • Open Sourced: If something is not as it should, contribute your improvements!


To generate a project, adjust the following command line to your needs:

  • Set aemVersion=cloud for AEM as a Cloud Service;
    Set aemVersion=6.5.0 for Adobe Managed Services, or on-premise. The Core Components dependency is only added for non cloud aem versions as the Core Components are provided OOTB for AEM as a Cloud Service.
  • Adjust appTitle="My Site" to define the website title and components groups.
  • Adjust appId="mysite" to define the Maven artifactId, the component, config and content folder names, as well as client library names.
  • Adjust groupId="com.mysite" to define the Maven groupId and the Java Source Package.
  • Lookup the list of available properties to see if there's more you want to adjust.
mvn -B archetype:generate \
 -D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.granite.archetypes \
 -D archetypeArtifactId=aem-project-archetype \
 -D archetypeVersion=23 \
 -D appTitle="My Site" \
 -D appId="mysite" \
 -D groupId="com.mysite" \
 -D frontendModule=general \

Note: Make sure you use at least 3.1.0+ of maven-archetype-plugin (#400)

Note: To run above command with latest SNAPSHOT version, you have to use the new archetypeGroupId: -D archetypeGroupId=com.adobe.aem

Available Properties

Name Default Description
appTitle Application title, will be used for website title and components groups (e.g. "My Site").
appId Technical name, will be used for component, config and content folder names, as well as client library names (e.g. "mysite").
artifactId ${appId} Base Maven artifact ID (e.g. "mysite").
groupId Base Maven group ID (e.g. "com.mysite").
package ${groupId} Java Source Package (e.g. "com.mysite").
version 1.0-SNAPSHOT Project version (e.g. 1.0-SNAPSHOT).
aemVersion cloud Target AEM version (can be cloud for AEM as a Cloud Service; or 6.5.0, 6.4.4, or 6.3.3 for Adobe Managed Services or on-premise).
sdkVersion latest When aemVersion=cloud an SDK version can be specified (e.g. 2020.02.2265.20200217T222518Z-200130).
includeDispatcherConfig y Includes a dispatcher configuration either for cloud or for AMS/on-premise, depending of the value of aemVersion (can be y or n).
frontendModule general Includes a Webpack frontend build module that generates the client libraries (can be general or none for regular sites; can be angular or react for a Single Page App that implements the SPA Editor).
language en Language code (ISO 639-1) to create the content structure from (e.g. en, deu).
country us Country code (ISO 3166-1) to create the content structure from (e.g. US).
singleCountry y Includes a language-master content structure (can be y, or n).
includeExamples n Includes a Component Library example site (can be y, or n).
includeErrorHandler n Includes a custom 404 response page that will be global to the entire instance (can be y or n).
includeCommerce n Includes CIF Core Components dependecies and generates corresponding artifacts.
commerceEndpoint Required for CIF only. Optional endpoint of the commerce system GraphQL service to be used (e.g.
datalayer y Activate integration with Adobe Client Data Layer.
amp n Enable AMP support for genenerated project templates.

System Requirements

Archetype AEM as a Cloud Service AEM 6.5 AEM 6.4 Java SE Maven
23 Continual 8, 11 3.3.9+

Setup your local development environment for AEM as a Cloud Service SDK or for older versions of AEM.

Known Issues

When running on Windows and generating the dispatcher configuration, you should be running in an elevated command prompt or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (see #329).

When executing the archetype in interactive mode (without the -B parameter), the properties with default values cannot be changed, unless the final confirmation gets dismissed, which then repeats the questions by including the properties with default values in the questions (see ARCHETYPE-308 for details).


No packages published


  • JavaScript 30.0%
  • Java 19.8%
  • TypeScript 10.1%
  • HTML 9.5%
  • Kotlin 8.8%
  • SCSS 8.3%
  • Other 13.5%