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πŸ…° Ansible framework for managing Ubuntu virtual machines on VMware vCenter

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Ansible framework for managing Ubuntu virtual machines on VMware vCenter


  • Comprehensive lifecycle management (provision, rename, re-align, decommission)
  • Hot-scalable virtual hardware resources
  • Out-of-band provisioning & alignment, vCenter API in place of SSH
  • Burying: cache scanned state in vCenter custom attributes
  • Template-based provisionning includes admins, SSH keys
  • Feature-rich YAML inventory format, with linting
  • Fine-grained automation features control, with auto/* tags
  • State auditing, inventory canonicalization
  • Tag-based in-house/galaxy roles management

"Elastic" resources

Scale virtual hardware resources without rebooting:

  • CPU (number of cores)
  • RAM (MB)
  • Root FS (MB)
  • Swap (MB)

Configurable resources

  • HW flags: power state, hotplug ram/cpu, reserved ram
  • vCenter references: datacenter, cluster, folder, datastore, network
  • Network config using Netplan
  • Admin users, including SSH keys

Additional roles management

  • Tag-based roles assignation, via apps/* and galaxy/* tags
  • Ansible Galaxy supported, with automatic updates

Transparent Ansible Vault support

  • Included WUcenter credentials wizard helps creating a vaulted credentials bundle
  • Included WUcenter player reads the master vault password interactively, or either as a file or an env var


  • VMware vCenter cluster
    • version >=6.7U3
  • Ansible control host
    • Python 3
    • Ansible version >=2.9.6
    • tested on Ubuntu bionic
  • Ubuntu bionic (18.04) VM template (use wucenter-packer)
    • static IP
    • password-less sudoer user
    • configured APT
    • pre-installed Python 3 & VMware Guest Tools
  • Limitation: Ansible check-mode is not supported

Quick Install

These install instructions are here for experimented users, detailed instructions follow.

First install Ansible for Python3:

sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo -H pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip ansible

Then create WUcenter workspace:

mkdir workspace
cd workspace
ansible-galaxy collection install wucenter.wucenter -p ./
mkdir inventory roles
touch inventory/users.yml inventory/vms.yml

See sister project wucenter-packer to build your VM template.

Getting started

  1. Install requirements

WUcenter is tested on Ubuntu bionic with Ansible for Python 3.

Once you installed the python3-pip package you can install Ansible with pip3:

sudo -H pip3 install --no-cache-dir ansible
  1. Install WUcenter software
  • either, pull last tagged version from Ansible Galaxy into existing Ansible workspace
ansible-galaxy collection install wucenter.wucenter -f -p ./
  • or, clone current master from Github as a new Ansible workspace
  • finally, run WUcenter installation script
  1. Configure WUcenter credentials
  • either, use WUcenter Vaulted credentials wizard
  • or manually edit plain-text files, see samples/credentials/*.yml and read Credentials Spec below
  1. Configure WUcenter inventory

WUcenter requires 2 files, check samples/inventory/.

  • inventory/vms.yml for defining virtual machines, theirs specs & their roles
  • inventory/users.yml admin users directory
  1. Optional: roles
  • copy your custom Ansible roles to roles/

  • configure roles/requirements.yml to automatically install pristine roles to roles_galaxy/



Once wucenter.wucenter collection has been deployed to ./ansible_collections directory, run to setup your Ansible workspace with WUcenter:

  • Install WUcenter player
  • Generate WUcenter playbooks
  • Install/update Python librairies (pip3)
  • Install/update Ansible collections/roles
  • Setup Ansible configuration (ansible.cfg)


Workspace layout:

  • ansible-collections/ Ansible collections managed by ansible-collections/requirements.yml
  • ansible-collections/wucenter/wucenter/ WUcenter software
  • ansible.cfg WUcenter Ansible defaults, generated by
  • books/ WUcenter playbooks, generated by
  • credentials/ WUcenter credentials bundle, generated by
  • inventory/users.yml WUcenter operators directory
  • inventory/vms.yml WUcenter virtual machines inventory
  • roles/ Custom Ansible roles
  • roles_galaxy/ Pristine Ansible roles, managed by roles/requirements.yml

Recommended usage is to have credentials/, inventory/ and roles/ symlinked to GIT repos.


All playbooks are meant to be used with the provided playbook player

All playbooks include a shebang to call the player transparently.


  • Ansible setup checking
  • Playbook roles syntax checking
  • Hosts inventory linting
  • Users directory linting
  • Remote roles updating
  • Single-command run, no need to cd
  • Vault password management
    • using variable, if VAULT_PASS env set
    • using file, if credentials/VAULT_PASS file exists
    • single interactive password prompt otherwise


The player accepts the following options:

DESC:   Ansible playbook wrapper

  -P, --book PB   Mandatory if not shebang-run

  -V, --vault     Manage vault password
  -B, --no-bury   Don't write (bury) vCenter cache
  -G, --no-dig    Don't read (dig up) vCenter cache
  -A, --no-auto   Bypass all below:
  -S, --no-synt   Bypass playbook syntax check
  -L, --no-lint   Bypass inventory lint check
  -I, --no-deps   Bypass dependencies update
  -R, --no-role   Bypass additional roles update

  See: ansible-playbook --help

It is possible to specify ansible-playbook options after the player's ones:

./scan.yml -A -F -vv --limit localhost,myhost

The above command will scan myhost VM:

  • Bypass all additional player features (-A)
  • Force full scan, disabling bury cache (-F)
  • Pass additional options to ansible-playbook (-vv --limit localhost,myhost)
  • Please note that inventory limiting (using --limit or -l) requires localhost inclusion


apply.yml is the main entrypoint, featuring a minimalistic Gitops workflow. It combines the following playbooks:

  • scan.yml Gather VMs state
  • decommission.yml Remove VMs
  • provision.yml Create VMs from template
  • rename.yml Change VMs name
  • align.yml Align VMs specs
  • apps.yml Play tagged roles

More playbooks are provided:

  • lint.yml Lint desired state (inventory)
  • lint_full.yml Lint desired state (vCenter)
  • audit.yml Show VMs specs divergences (desired/scanned/cached)
  • updates.yml Show available APT updates
  • setup.yml Install WUcenter workspace dependencies
  • init.yml WUcenter internals


Following credentials definitions are required:

  • vCenter server admin
  • Template password-less sudoer (for provisioning)
  • robops sudoer (for alignment)
  • ops SSH sudoer (for additional roles)
  • Private Git repository user (for custom roles, optional)
  • Private Docker registry user (for custom roles, optional)

Configuration consists of YAML files in credentials directory (or symlink).

Main playbooks vcenter.yml template.yml robops.yml ops.yml git.yml registry.yml vmware.yml
apply.yml βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ” ❓ ❓
scan.yml βœ”
decommission.yml βœ”
rename.yml βœ” βœ”
provision.yml βœ” βœ”
align.yml βœ” βœ”
apps.yml βœ” βœ” ❓ ❓
More playbooks
lint_full.yml βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ”
lint.yml βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ”
audit.yml βœ” βœ”
updates.yml βœ”
init.yml βœ” βœ” βœ” βœ”

Credential files supports Ansible Vault both for full file-vaulting and for YAML key vaulting.

Use the provided interactive wizard to generate a complete credentials bundle or follow the credentials spec to populate your credentials directory.

To interactively populate all required credentials, run from project base directory:


Credentials Spec

  • In credentials/vcenter.yml:
vC Credentials Description
vcenter_host STRING vCenter Host
vcenter_dc STRING vCenter Datacenter Id
vcenter_user STRING vCenter Username
vcenter_pass STRING vCenter Password
  • Full linting uses vmware_vm_inventory dynamic inventory plugin. This requires an additional configuration file that does not support selective vaulting: credentials/vmware.yml:
Plugin Credentials Description
plugin CONST community.vmware.vmware_vm_inventory
hostname STRING vCenter Host
username STRING vCenter Username
password STRING vCenter Password
validate_certs BOOL vCenter self-signed certificate
properties CONST [, config.uuid, guest.guestId,]
  • Template password-less sudoer

Used for provisioning: credentials/template.yml

TPL Credentials Description
template_name STRING Template vCenter Id
template_user STRING Username, password-less sudoer
template_pass STRING Password
  • robops sudoer

Used for alignment: credentials/robops.yml

VM Credentials Description
robops_user STRING Username
robops_pass STRING Password
  • ops SSH sudoer

Used for additional roles: credentials/ops.yml

VM Credentials Description
ops_user STRING Username
ops_pass STRING Password
ops_sshk STRING SSH private key
  • Optional Private GIT cloner

For specific roles: credentials/git.yml

TPL Credentials Description
git_host STRING Template vCenter Id
git_user STRING Username
git_pass STRING Password

Using Ansible Vault

  • Encrypt vault single variable
ansible-vault encrypt_string --name 'git_pass' 's3(r3t' --vault-password-file credentials/VAULT_PASS
  • Decrypt vault single variable
ansible localhost -m debug -a var='git_pass' -e '@credentials/git.yml' --vault-password-file credentials/VAULT_PASS

VMs Inventory

Virtual machines inventory is defined by an inventory YAML file in inventory/vms.yml.

This enables multi-level variables overrides. Recommended usage is mapping projects to vCenter folders.

VMs Inventory Spec

Each VM identified by a unique key, holds the following attributes:

VM Unique Id Description
vm_name OPTIONAL STRING Hostname. Defaults to VM_KEY.vm_net_sd
vm_folder OPTIONAL STRING Must start with /. Defaults to /
vC Resources Description
vm_cluster STRING vCenter cluster
vm_datastore STRING vCenter datastore
vm_network STRING vCenter network
VM Hardware Description
vm_power BOOL Power state
vm_hotplug BOOL Hot-scalable CPU/RAM
vm_ram_reserved BOOL Reserve RAM
vm_ram INT Memory (MB)
vm_cpu INT Number of cores
vm_disk INT Root filesystem (MB)
vm_swap INT Swap (MB)
VM Network Description
vm_net_ip IP VM
vm_net_gw IP Gateway
vm_net_nm IP VM Netmask
vm_net_ns1 IP DNS Server 1
vm_net_ns2 IP DNS Server 2
vm_net_sd STRING DNS Search Domain
VM Mgmt Description
vm_auto LIST[STRING] See automation tags
VM Roles Description
vm_roles OPTIONAL LIST[STRING] See roles tags
vm_vars OPTIONAL DICT[STRING] See roles tags
VM Renaming Description
vm_rename OPTIONAL STRING New name
VM Removal Description
state OPTIONAL STRING Set to absent for decommissioning
VMs automation tags

vm_auto toggles automation features:

  • auto = auto/all
    • auto/manage
      • auto/provision
      • auto/decommission
      • auto/rename
      • auto/roles
      • auto/folder
      • auto/bury
    • auto/hw
      • auto/power
      • auto/cpu
      • auto/ram
      • auto/hwflags
        • auto/hotplug
        • auto/ram_reserved
    • auto/data
      • auto/datastore
      • auto/disks
        • auto/disk
        • auto/swap
    • auto/net
      • auto/network
      • auto/netconf
      • auto/hostname
      • auto/ssh requires auto/user
    • auto/user
VMs roles tags

vm_roles can specify:

  • apps/* tags to reference in-house or patched roles from roles directory
  • galaxy/* tags to reference pristine 3rd-party roles from roles_galaxy directory, those should be declared in roles/requirements.yml to benefit from automatic installation/update.

Optionally, vm_vars can specify custom variables used by roles. Contained variables will get copied to the root level at runtime.

Alternatively it is possible to define those directly at the root level (hostvars), in this case, defined variables won't get burried to vCenter custom attributes, thus protecting sensitive information.

Users directory

Users directory is defined by a custom YAML file.

Users directory is necessary to provision & align admin credentials sush as hashed user password or ssh public key.

Users directory can be easily extended for custom roles.

User management is currently limited to two hard-coded groups:

  1. robops, robots, password-less sudoers, NOT AUTHORIZED to connect over SSH
  2. ops, robots/ops, sudoers, MUST setup SSH key(s) to access VM
Main playbooks robops ops
apply.yml βœ” βœ”
scan.yml βœ”
rename.yml βœ”
provision.yml βœ”
align.yml βœ”
apps.yml βœ”
More playbooks
lint_full.yml βœ”
lint.yml βœ”
audit.yml βœ”
updates.yml βœ”

Users directory Spec

  • Declare users dictionary in inventory/users.yml

users dictionary keys represent the username

Follow the following dictionary format for user attributes:

User spec Description
user_name STRING This is the GECOS, the username is the dict key !
user_hash STRING Hashed password, mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --stdin
user_tags LIST[STRING]
user_keys LIST[DICT] SSH Keys Specs
user_state STRING OPTIONAL Set to absent to remove user
  • user_keys dictionaries attributes:
Key spec Description
ssh_rsa STRING SSH RSA public key
state STRING OPTIONAL Set to absent to remove key

To generate a RSA key pair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -a 100 -N '' -f NEW_id_rsa`
  • Supported user_tags:
User tags Description
robops User for alignment (vCenter API)
ops User for additional roles (SSH)



  • IP Assignation management
  • Build template from Ubuntu OVA with cloud-init intrumentation
  • Implement DRS affinities
  • Minimal VM healthchecks
    • df root_fs
    • resolv dns1
    • ping gw
    • apt update


πŸ…° Ansible framework for managing Ubuntu virtual machines on VMware vCenter







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