Based on labelImg, we add many useful annotate tools, in Annoatate-tools and Video-tools menu, including:
:- Auto Annotate:anto annotate images using yolov5 detector
- Tracking Annotate:using tracking method in opencv, annotate video data
- Magnifing Lens:helpful when annotating small objects, optional function
- Data Agument:data agument
- Search System:search details info based on your input
- other tools:label selecting/rename/counting, fix annotation, video merge/extract, welcome to try
seen in Vtuber:
2022.01.14:remove Retinanet( matain yolov5 only), and add label selecting when autolabeling
2022.01.11:imporve magnifing lens, more fluent and can be shut
2020.12.28:add video tracking annotate
2020.12.10:autolabelimg,version 1.0
clone this repo:
git clone cd AutoLabelImg
install requirments:
conda create -n {your_env_name} python=3.7.6 conda activate {your_env_name} pip install -r requirements.txt
compile source code:
Ubuntu User:
sudo apt-get install pyqt5-dev-tools make qt5py3
Windows User:
pyrcc5 -o libs/ resources.qrc
prepare yolov5 weights file and move them to here: [official model zoo:Yolov5]
mv {} pytorch_yolov5/weights/
open labelimg software
Windows User:
create a file:labelImg.bat, open it and type these text(D disk as an example):
cd D:{path to your labelImg folder}
start python
double click labelImg.bat to open the software.
Ubuntu User:
open environment setting file:
vim ~/.bashrc
add this command:
alias labelimg='cd {path to your labelImg folder} && python
source it:
source ~/.bashrc
typing 'labeling' in terminal to open the software.
{ AutoLabelImg,
author = {Wu Fan},
year = {2020},
url = {\url{https://}}