Postdoc in Physics and Astronomy at University of Southampton in the U.K. Prior research experience at RT-Thread, LAIX, Xilinx.
- [2020-2024] Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Exeter, the U.K.
- [2016-2019] M.Sc. in Thermal Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.
- [2012-2016] B.Eng. in Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.
- My latest research in the U.K.
- [2025-03] ICLR Workshop: Do Not Overestimate Black-box Attacks. Paper
- [2024-12] Ph.D. Graduation Ceremony, University of Exeter.
- [2024-11] Postdoc in Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton.
- [2024-10] The End of my Ph.D. Journey.
- [2024-10] Ph.D. degree in Computer Science awarded.
- [2024-09] Ph.D. thesis minor corrections submitted.
- [2024-08] Lightning Talk: WASM Embedded, KubeCon Hong Kong. Event Link.
- [2024-08] Joined the Astronomy Group, University of Southampton.
- [2024-07] Defended my Ph.D. thesis.
- [2024-06] Workshop: Introduction to MATLAB. Event Link
- [2024-06] Workshop: Parallel Computing. Event Link
- [2024-05] Ph.D. thesis submitted.
- [2024-03] Start writing my Ph.D. thesis.
+ [2023-2020] Click for Ph.D. details
- [2023-11] Workshop: Introduction to HPC & ISCA. Event Link
- [2023-09] Data Study Groups: The Alan Turing Institute. Event Link
- [2023-08] Awarded the Open Research Reward.
- [2023-06] PGR Conference: The Third-Year Report. Talk Slides
- [2023-06] IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Oral | Poster
- [2023-06] Invited Talk: Deep Learning Security for Robots, RT-Thread Global Tech Conference. Talk Slides
- [2023-01] Invited Talk: An introduction to RT-Thread, OpenEuler Meetup. Event Poster
- [2022-10] Invited Talk: Deep Learning Security for IoT, Manipal University Jaipur. Event Poster
- [2022-10] Paper: Distributed Black-box Attack against Image Classification Cloud Services. PDF
- [2022-09] Paper: Adversarial Detection: Attacking Object Detection in Real Time. PDF
- [2022-08] Paper: Man-in-the-Middle Attack against Object Detection Systems. PDF
- [2022-08] Paper: Adversarial Driving: Attacking End-to-End Autonomous Driving. PDF
- [2022-07] New Supervisors: Dr. Johan Wahlström and Dr. Sareh Rowlands.
- [2021-11] Invited Talk: Embedded System Programming, Manipal University Jaipur. Event Poster
- [2021-09] Invited Talk: Adversarial Attacks against Deep Learning, AI/ML in Industry and Finance. Talk Slides
- [2021-09] Invited Talk: Robot Operating System (ROS) on RT-Thread, RT-Thread Global Tech Conference. Talk Slides
- [2021-04] Paper: Interpretable Machine Learning for COVID-19: An Empirical Study on Severity Prediction Task. PDF
- [2020-10] The Beginning of my Ph.D. Journey.
- [2020] AI Accelerator FPGA Intern in Xilinx.
- [2020] Deep Learning Research Intern in LAIX Inc.
- [2019] Embedded Software Engineering Intern in RT-Thread.
- [2018] Stanford Youth Creativity, Innovation and Sustainable Leadership Workshop.
- [2015] Game Development Intern in Chukong Technologies Cocos2d-X.