see: to request packages, provide feedback etc.
builds are on life support; -cleanup and removal of stale/legacy/unused 'features' or smooth running/setup functions and -basic functional testing of stable release/s 23.05.x -minimal feature additions updation of optimizations where known and/or obvious -cleanup/simplifying of key/current user instructions especially around upgrades/backups and must know steps add wincp or ssh+nano etc. simple guide (for wrt.ini) add luci app cmd backup button for mainstream migration
github issues is available to us
-support is minimal at best and thankyou to long time users who lend a hand there
github for a solid and open platform
@damianperera github_action_sidebuilds
@jerrykuku luci-theme-argon Cezary Jackiewicz
@NateLol and Vinay Divakar
pi-foundation for a mostly open platform - committers do good things
Special thanks: vgaetera jeff jow slh trendy and lleachii for guru skillsharing and support...
@neil1, @PaulFertser, @dibdot, @trendy, @moodyblue, @jayanta525, @poodad, @syntaxterror, @bigfat, @gpuyy, @krazeh, @LionHeartP, @jcejohnson, @cesarvog, @malikshi, @stargeizer, @mint, @johnd2, @BenjaminBeichler, @cricalix, @aporetic, @toasterdev, @masaq, @synapse, @Phase1, @zakeru46, @SubZero, @swanson, @Hagbertumple, @rspierz, @peexl and @geerlingguy for contributions to the build
@dangowrt, @noltari, @oskari.rauta, @nbd, @bkpepe, @mj22226, @chunkeey, @mhei mainline code
@hnyman build system insight and official repo fixing
@bobafetthotmail nicmove/macmatch
@stangri vpn-pbr and other apps
@bkpepe, @neheb github mentoring
Van Tech Corner
@lynx, @moeller0, @dlakelan + others sqm-autorate (lte/3g/variable-bw-links) (no longer active - use upstream direct)
plenty-of-others: if i have learnt or borrowed something from you thankyou...
- ext4 300M-boot 900M-rootfs (no squashfs) (NOTE: ROOTFSEXPAND=1 on first upgrade) 20220205 alternate ROOTFSEXPAND_DATAPART="psave" option
- opkg-alt-repo (base|core|luci) 100% non-modified
- over 223 additional drivers and packages
guides wulfy23/rpi4/misc/
- automatic re-install of packages post-upgrade (or not)
- optimised / patched rpi-eeprom-update
- usbboot-support/auto-fsck (wip->multiboot/partresize/live-mode)
- usb persisent nic naming (optional)
- easy user setup variables via wrt.ini (lanip, ntp-server, etc.)
- expansion of partition to whole sdcard on sysupgrade
- pre/post upgrade OS snapshotting or restore assumming bootability and extrapart is enabled
- smb/sshfs mount helper
- automated upgrade
- package restore (sysupgrade -R)
- ( test thermal/scaling )
- some 'locate' command setup+tweaks + fake 'man' command
- persistent logs / statistics / nlbwmon / upgrade-data
- lucisshon, wifiadminboot
- speedtest-ookla(git-dl'd)
- base64, tac, stat, blkid, etc. etc.
- bash (w-temperature@ps1)
- wget curl unzip htop lsof losetup strace vim-fuller
- openvpn + kmod-tun + wireguard + mwan3 + vpn-pbr
- banip + adblock
- many many more... if you call in the next 15mins, you will recieve a free toaster!
########################### REMOVED / VERSION DEPENDANT / LEGACY
@dairyman and the rooter peoples
argonone code: @DarkElvenAngel
the two kind $10(AUD) donators who helped facilitate image storage and distribution over the last year
sqm-dscp-logic: hisham2630(ultimate-sqm-settings-layer-cake-dscp-marks) (and others) @ldir @dlakelan
- luci updatecheck notice with one-click flash REMOVED202312 > luci > system > commands check or run
- webui full-ish text editor (conditional/semi-stale)
- fwcustom geoip-db(git dl) REMOVED
- sqmdscp console/other priority @> rpi4.qos > REMOVED ~ 2023 ~ in most / all nft based builds (master and 23.05.x)
- login sysinfo and sh/bash profile blingification
- youtube-download webui (wip requires external storage) (removed/disabled 2022-09)
- webui browser ssh terminal (wip conditional/to finish test further)
- OLD/MASTERONLY? (may have broken around 2022-03) for security and bugfixes from master (this may not work post around 2022/03)
- nano colors (mainline), script highlighting tmp removed 202312