Similar to wget, but in parallel
Ever downloaded large files over internet, but connection often resets? Ever want to download in parallel using simple command like wget?
You have it now.
$ go install
After this, you will find pwget executable in your $GOPATH/bin. You can add this to your $PATH, or invoke with full path.
$ pwget <url>
Full usage explanation
-H value
Add custom http headers
-c string
Specify cookie Header value
-j string
Specifies the jump host
-k string
Specifies the jump host secret
-n int
Split into N segments and download in parallel (default 10)
-o string
Specify download output file (default is auto detect)
-q Specifies whether it should be quiet
-r string
Specify referrer
-ua string
Specify User Agent (default "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36")
Jump host is a tool I wrote (similar to proxy, but light weight, secure by default). Checkout
# Download with 10 slices
$ pwget
# Download with 50 slices
$ pwget -n 50
# With cookie
$ pwget -c "abc=def; other=sucks;"
# with referer
$ pwget -r ""
# with User-Agent
$ pwget -ua "Some-Weird-Broser-String"
# Specify output file
$ pwget -o small.iso
# with custom header
$ pwget -H "someHeader: headerval" -o small.iso
# use with some jumper
$ pwget -j "jumpHost:9527" -k "secret" -H "someHeader: headerval" -o small.iso
Note that if jumper can't be connected, it will fall back to normal dialer (e.g. direct connection)
# use with quiet (no progress reporting)
$ pwget -q -H "someHeader: headerval" -o small.iso
Sample output
root@master /o/G/s/g/w/pwget# ./pwget -j -k bigsecret ""
Quiet? false
Size 1953349632 Bytes, file name ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso
Each segment 195334963 Bytes
Progress: 168057KB of 1907568KB (8%)
The program aborts only after 10 consecutive retries (with 5 seconds sleep inbetween retries) failed to download a single byte. The program resumes download from last abortion (based on file part size), however if you used -n to specify threads, the n must be the same otherwise this download may create corrupted file
Note: If server doesn't support Content-Length response header, the program will not download.