Fast Time Series Database Implementation.
CattleDB can store timeseries data in typical cloud noSQL databases. At the moment bigtable and dynamodb storage backends are implemented. Data can be queried by time ranges very efficiently.
CattleDB can be used as a library in projects or as a standalone service with a REST/gRPC backend to put/get data.
Recursive Option is needed to build the C Speedups.
git clone --recursive
pip install ./cattledb
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 spotify/bigtable-emulator:latest
export BIGTABLE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8080
pytest tests
docker build . -t cattledb-test
docker run -it cattledb-test bash
service bigtable-server start
export BIGTABLE_EMULATOR_HOST="localhost:8080"
pytest tests
python -m --python_out=./cattledb/grpcserver --grpc_python_out=./cattledb/grpcserver --proto_path=./protos cdb.proto
# cd to .\cattledb\grpcserver\
# change line
import cdb_pb2 as cdb__pb2
# to
from . import cdb_pb2 as cdb__pb2
docker build . -t mths/cattledb:latest
docker tag mths/cattledb:latest mths/cattledb:0.1
docker push mths/cattledb
python sdist
twine upload dist/*