ytopt is a machine-learning-based search software package that consists of sampling a small number of input parameter configurations, evaluating them, and progressively fitting a surrogate model over the input-output space until exhausting the user-defined time or the maximum number of evaluations. The package is built based on Bayesian Optimization that solves any optimization problem and is especially useful when the objective function is difficult to evaluate. It provides an interface that deals with unconstrained and constrained problems. The software is designed to operate in the manager-worker computational paradigm, where one manager node fits the surrogate model and generates promising input configurations and worker nodes perform the computationally expensive evaluations and return the outputs to the manager node. The asynchronous aspect of the search allows the search to avoid waiting for all the evaluation results before proceeding to the next iteration. As soon as an evaluation is finished, the data is used to retrain the surrogate model, which is then used to bias the search toward the promising configurations.
libensemble is a Python toolkit for coordinating workflows of asynchronous and dynamic ensembles of calculations in parallel. It helps users take advantage of massively parallel resources to solve design, decision, and inference problems and expands the class of problems that can benefit from increased parallelism. libensemble employs a manager/worker scheme that communicates via MPI, multiprocessing, or TCP. A manager allocate work to multiple workers. Workers control and monitor any level of work from small subnode tasks to huge many-node computations.
By integrating libensemble with ytopt, the autotuning framework ytopt-libe not only accelerates the evaluation process of ytopt in parallel but also improves the accuracy of Random Forests surrogate model by feeding more data to make the search more efficient.
This directory includes the ECP apps, ECP proxy apps, and deep learning applications in pytorch/tensorflow autotuned using ytopt-libe and ytopt only.
Autotuning deep learning applications
Autotuning ECP proxy app XSBench
Autotuning ECP proxy app SW4lite
Autotuning ECP app HeFFTe
Autotuning ECP app OpenMC
Autotuning Apache TVM (Tensor Virtual Machine)-based scientific applications (3mm, lu, cholesky)
The autotuning framework ytopt-libe requires the following components: ConfigSpace,scikit-optimize, autotune, ytopt, and libensemble.
- We recommend creating isolated Python environments (python >=3.7) on your local machine using an up to date conda, for example:
conda create --name ytune python=3.10
conda activate ytune
- Create a directory for installing all required packages for ytopt-libe as follows:
mkdir ytune
cd ytune
- Install ConfigSpace:
pip install configspace==0.7.1
- Install scikit-optimize:
git clone
cd scikit-optimize
pip install -e .
cd ..
- Install autotune:
git clone -b version1
cd autotune
pip install -e .
cd ..
- Install ytopt:
git clone
cd ytopt
pip install -e .
cd ..
- Install libensemble:
git clone
cd libensemble
pip install -e .
cd ..
- Install examples of ytopt-libe:
git clone
cd ytopt-libensemble
After installing ConfigSpace, Scikit-optimize, autotune, ytopt, and libensemble successfully, the autotuning framework ytopt-libe is ready to use. If you have some issues about ConfigSpace, just downgrade configspace by the following command line "pip install configspace==0.7.1" in your conda environment to solve these issues.
- Example: Using ytopt-libe to autotune the MPI/OpenMP version of XSBench:
cd ytopt-libe-xsbench
cd laptop
* If you want to change the compiler mpicc (default), edit the file
* Make sure to create the conda environemnt ytune before running a test
* Modify the run script with the proper conda environment, number of wokers, MPI ranks, and the application timeout (recommanded to use the script to make these settings)
* Then, use the run script to autotune XSBench
Note: For the diagnosis purpose, look at the log files (.log) or text files (.txt) for any error under the current directory.