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A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java.


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Build Status Java WebSockets

该项目包含用java写的websocket 服务器和客户端。该项目还实现了Java NIO,能够实现非阻塞事件驱动模型 This repository contains a barebones WebSocket server and client implementation written in 100% Java. The underlying classes are implemented java.nio, which allows for a non-blocking event-driven model (similar to the WebSocket API for web browsers).

下面是实现 websocket 协议版本。 通常Draft17(在netty中对应的应该是13)是经常使用的。现在被chrome16+和IE10支持,可能以后其他的浏览器也会添加对该协议的支持。 Implemented WebSocket protocol versions are:

Here some more details about protocol versions/drafts.

##Build You can build using Ant or Maven but there is nothing against just putting the source path src/main/java on your applications buildpath. 你可以使用ant 或者是maven编译 使用maven maven clean compile (install) maven eclipse:eclipse ###Ant


will create the javadoc of this library at doc/ and build the library itself: dest/java_websocket.jar

The ant targets are: compile, jar, doc and clean


To use maven just add this dependency to your pom.xml:


Running the Examples

Note: If you're on Windows, then replace the : (colon) in the classpath in the commands below with a ; (semicolon).

编译完成之后,可以启动chat server After you build the library you can start the chat server (a WebSocketServer subclass):

java -cp build/examples:dist/java_websocket.jar ChatServer

启动chat server 之后,可以启动一些client来测试 Now that the server is started, you need to connect some clients. Run the Java chat client (a WebSocketClient subclass):

java -cp build/examples:dist/java_websocket.jar ChatClient

如何是启动java swing GUI 你可以向所有其他的连接发送消息,也可以收到其他客户端发送的消息 The chat client is a simple Swing GUI application that allows you to send messages to all other connected clients, and receive messages from others in a text box.

你也可以打开chat.html 页面,如果打开的浏览器 不支持 websocket协议,那么就会调用Flash插件来模拟websocket(模拟器的地址是 In the example folder is also a simple HTML file chat client chat.html, which can be opened by any browser. If the browser natively supports the WebSocket API, then it's implementation will be used, otherwise it will fall back to a Flash-based WebSocket Implementation.

下面是如何实现你自己的websocket server Writing your own WebSocket Server

org.java_websocket.server.WebSocketServer 这个抽象类实现了server一段的websocket协议。 websocket server除了通过http建立socket连接,本身不做任何事情。你可以写一个子类,实现你自己的目的。

The org.java_websocket.server.WebSocketServer abstract class implements the server-side of the WebSocket Protocol. A WebSocket server by itself doesn't do anything except establish socket connections though HTTP. After that it's up to your subclass to add purpose.

org.java_websocket.server.WebSocketClient 这是一个连接websocket 客户端的抽象类。 其构造函数是通过ws 连接到服务器的。 其onOpen, onClose, onMessage and onIOError 将在整个生命周期中,都有效。 而且必须在你的子类中写具体实现。 Writing your own WebSocket Client

The org.java_websocket.server.WebSocketClient abstract class can connect to valid WebSocket servers. The constructor expects a valid ws:// URI to connect to. Important events onOpen, onClose, onMessage and onIOError get fired throughout the life of the WebSocketClient, and must be implemented in your subclass.

WSS Support

This library supports wss. To see how to use wss please take a look at the examples.

If you do not have a valid certificate in place then you will have to create a self signed one. Browsers will simply refuse the connection in case of a bad certificate and will not ask the user to accept it. So the first step will be to make a browser to accept your self signed certificate. ( ).
If the websocket server url is wss://localhost:8000 visit the url https://localhost:8000 with your browser. The browser will recognize the handshake and allow you to accept the certificate. This technique is also demonstrated in this video.

The vm option can help to find out if there is a problem with the certificate.

It is currently not possible to accept ws and wss connections at the same time via the same websocket server instance.

For some reason firefox does not allow multible connections to the same wss server if the server uses a different port than the default port(443).

If you want to use wss on the android platfrom you should take a look at this.

I ( @Davidiusdadi ) would be glad if you would give some feedback whether wss is working fine for you or not.

软件支持。 Minimum Required JDK

Java-WebSocket is known to work with:

  • Java 1.5 (aka SE 6)
  • Android 1.6 (API 4)

Other JRE implementations may work as well, but haven't been tested.

Testing in Android Emulator

Please note Android Emulator has issues using IPv6 addresses. Executing any socket related code (like this library) inside it will address an error Bad address family

You have to manually disable IPv6 by calling

java.lang.System.setProperty("", "false");
java.lang.System.setProperty("", "true");

somewhere in your project, before instantiating the WebSocketClient class. You can check if you are currently testing in the Android Emulator like this

if ("google_sdk".equals( Build.PRODUCT )) {
  // ... disable IPv6

Getting Support

If you are looking for help using Java-WebSocket you might want to check out the #java-websocket IRC room on the FreeNode IRC network.


Everything found in this repo is licensed under an MIT license. See the LICENSE file for specifics.

websocket 服务器内核介绍: 虽然服务器和客户端都是用NIO实现的,但是使用方式是不一样的。客户端是用一个线程来处理读写,但是服务器却是用多个线程来处理读写。 服务器使用一个选择器线程和多个工作线程。 选择器线程执行所有的NIO操作,其注册连接和读写通道。 但是选择器不做任何的编码和解码工作,这些都是工作线程在执行。 选择器和工作线程之间的交互通过队列来完成。包括解码队列,写队列和缓存队列。 其循环工作周期是:选择器从缓存队列中拿一个未使用的缓存,将通道准备好的数据放入其中,然后将该缓存加入解码队列。然后工作线程从解码队列中拿出缓存,消费其中的内容。然后将缓存重新放到缓冲区队列中。 该服务器的性能可以通过调整工作线程的数量和缓存区队列的大小,以及缓存的大小。以及通道内部的缓冲区大小 来提升。未来可能有方法可以直接设置这些参数。


A barebones WebSocket client and server implementation written in 100% Java.







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  • Java 27.6%
  • JavaScript 1.1%