Lightweight front-end framework based on redux, redux-saga and react-router@2.x. (Inspired by elm and choo)
- Easy to learn, easy to use: only 6 apis, very friendly to redux users
- Elm concepts: organize models with
- Support mobile and react-native: cross platform (ReactNative Example)
- Support HMR: support HMR for components, routes and models with babel-plugin-dva-hmr
- Support load model and routes dynamically: Improve performance (Example)
- Plugin system: e.g. we have dva-loading plugin to handle loading state automatically
- Support TypeScript:with d.ts (Example)
- Count (jsfiddle): Simple count example
- User Dashboard: User management dashboard
- HackerNews (Demo): HackerNews Clone
- antd-admin (Demo): Admin dashboard based on antd and dva
- github-stars (Demo),Github Star management tool
D.Va’s mech is nimble and powerful — its twin Fusion Cannons blast away with autofire at short range, and she can use its Boosters to barrel over enemies and obstacles, or deflect attacks with her projectile-dismantling Defense Matrix.
—— From OverWatch
Sure! We have 100+ projects using dva, both in Alibaba and out.
Some basic articles.
- The 8 Concepts, and know how they are connected together
- dva APIs
- Checkout dva knowledgemap, including all the basic knowledge with ES6, React, dva
- Checkout more FAQ
- If your project is created with dva-cli, checkout how to Configure it
Want more?
- 看看 dva 的前身 React + Redux 最佳实践,知道 dva 是怎么来的
- 在 gitc 分享 dva 的 PPT :React 应用框架在蚂蚁金服的实践
- 如果还在用 dva@0.x,请尽快 升级到 1.x