Detailed documentation can be found on the Wiki:
The plugin is part of the standard smartHomeNG repository, so there is no need anymore to manually copy/paste files into the shNG plugins folder.
However, in order to get your Helios/Vallox device online, you still need to copy the following files from plugins/helios/files:
files/helios.yaml copy to smarthome/items files/ copy to smarthome/logics
Then add the following lines to smarthome/etc/plugin.yaml:
helios: plugin_name: helios tty: /dev/ttyUSB0 # put your serial port here (usually /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyAMA0) cycle: 60 # update interval in seconds; ex-default: 300
Finally add the following lines to smarthome/etc/logic.yaml:
fanspeed_uzsu_logic: filename: watch_item: ventilation.uzsu.fanspeed_uzsu booster_logic: filename: watch_item: ventilation.booster_mode.logics.switch
Restart smarthomeNG, the plugin should be running by now (check items for data in the Admin Interface --> Items --> Ventilation). If no data are read out, you can find troubleshooting options at the Wiki (see above).
Open smarthome/items/helios.yaml, look for the first section and adjust the specific data of your house (m², m³ etc) and your Helios/Vallox device (max air volume per hour, power levels etc). You will need to restart shNG once more to apply changes to this file.
Copy the following files found in smarthome/plugins/helios/files:
sv_widgets/* everything goes into smartVISU/widgets pics/helios/* everything goes into smartVISU/pics/helios (create dir first)
The widget is now available within the sV. Now add following 2 lines to your HTML whereever you want to display the widget:
{% import "helios.html" as helios %} {{ helios.show_widget('EC300Pro', true, 'Kontrollierte Wohnraumlüftung') }}
Meaning of the widget options:
{{ helios.show_widget(id, use_uzsu, title) }} id unique id use_uzsu display UZSU icon true / false title optional title on top