Code for running the D-Optimality Roadmap (DORM) using a determinant bound for belief space planning. The code may also be used for running the belief roadmap (BRM) and the belief roadmap search (BRMS).
Please cite the following paper if you make use of our algorithm or code in any of your own endeavors:
- A Determinant Bound on the Covariance Matrix for Path Planning in Gaussian Belief Space, J. Strader and Y. Gu
MATLAB R2017b or higher (earlier versions will likely work as well)
To reproduce the figures for the short range experiments in the paper, add all files to the path, then run exp_edge_SI.m
and exp_edge_DI.m
To reproduce the figures for the long range experiments in the paper, add all files to the path, then run exp_offline_SI.m
and exp_online_SI.m
for the single integrator and exp_offline_DI.m
and exp_online_DI.m
for the double integrator.
The offline phase saves a file with named with the following format: bsp_mm-dd-yyyy HH-MM.mat
. Before running the scripts for the online phase, change the load(...)
commands at the beginning of the online scripts to the name of the file generated in the offline phase.
Note: The offline phase may be skipped by downloading the data generated for the experiments here. You must download bsp_58_SI.mat
and bsp_58_DI.mat
and add to the path. Then, runexp_online_SI.m
for the single integrator and exp_online_DI.m
for the double integrator. The data generated for the offline phase for additional seeds is provided at the link. However, if using the data for a different seed, change the load(...)
command at the beginning of exp_online_SI.m
and exp_online_DI.m
To apply implemented algorithms (e.g., DORM, BRMS, or BRM) for a robot model not already implemented in the models folder, a model of the robot must be defined, which inherits the @GenericStateSpaceModel. See the @SingleIntegrator2DwithGPS and @DoubleIntegrator2DwithGPS for examples on implementing models.
The functions that are required to be implemented in the @GenericStateSpaceModel are the following:
Q = get_process_noise_covariance(obj, x, u)
A = get_process_jacobian(obj, x, u)
A = get_control_jacobian(obj, x, u)
L = get_process_noise_jacobian(obj, x, u)
is_acquired = is_measurement_acquired(obj, x)
R = get_measurement_noise_covariance(obj, x)
H = get_measurement_jacobian(obj, x)
M = get_measurement_noise_jacobian(obj, x)
[x, u, K] = get_states_and_control_inputs(obj, xi, xf)
To run the offline phase, a belief space planning object must be defined, which takes a robot model (inherited from @GenericStateSpaceModel), configuration space (state that are not derivatives), velocity space (states that are derivatives), obstacles (represented using the @Rectangle class), and the connection radius (Euclidean distance between configurations for connective vertices) as input.
After initializing the @BSP
object, run @BSP.run_offline(N)
where N
is the number of iterations for sampling vertices to construct the roadmap. Use Help BSP.run_offline
for additional details.
To run the online phase, the required inputs are the initial mean of the belief, initial covariance matrix of the belief, the goal state, the parameter epsilon for the partial ordering, the guessed maximum eigenvalue occuring along the path (use -1 for to determine automatically), and the method (1=DORM, 2=BRMS, 3=BRM). Note a best-first search is used for DORM, BRMS, and BRM during the online phase. Use Help BSP.run_online
for additional details.