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Michael Bond edited this page Feb 8, 2016 · 15 revisions
  1. Digital Asset Management
  • Transformation and conversion of digital assets for export and display on the web
  • Convert Images to different format (any supported by ImageMagick)
  • Apply Watermarks
  • Apply Borders
  • Convert to PDF (Plain or with OCR embedded)
    • Optionally combine multiple PDF conversions into single document, generate Thumbnail from first page
  • OCR to ascii text
  • Convert/Resample Audio and/or Video
  • Generate thumbnail from frame in video
  • Define allowed file formats for particular forms
  • System managed OR User managed Identifier field for a form.
  1. Manage metadata for forms
  2. Control vocabulary for subject headings
  3. Use any metadata schema for digital assets, or mix and match schemas for a specific item
  4. Drag and drop metadata form creation
  • Apply CSS Classes, IDs, Local styles to form elements.
  • Default values (with variables for dates, usernames, etc ...)
  • Basic validation via preconfigured options.
  • Complex validation via regular expressions
  1. Define 0 or more schema's to metadata fields. Exporting can then use these to determines predicates for triple stores or only export fields marks as a specific type.
  2. View and Edit permissions per form.
  3. Edit History for individual items
  4. Virus checking using ClamAV
  5. Fixity Checking at system defined intervals (via cron)
  6. Notification of problems
  7. Searching for items.
  8. Customizable Navigation for forms
  9. "Projects" to group multiple types of digital assets into a single "project"
  10. Statistics
  11. Exporting to any format (json, csv, xml, etc ...)
  12. Revision control of Metadata and digital assets.
  • Both metadata and digital assets can be rolled back to any previous revision in the history.
  1. Dashboard listing important system information (easily customizable).
  • current virus status
  • current fixity status
  • total objects in system (subject headings and records)
  • File information (file types in use, total and per form)
  • HDD information (archives usage, total space, free space)
    • alerts for low HDD space.
  1. Customizable object listing tables (Display the Forms fields that are important for that form)
  2. Object locking, to prevent multiple users from editing the same object at the same time.
  3. Shelf list (list all objects entered into a form and thumbnail view)
  4. Copy created forms to use a starting point for new forms.
  5. Search subject headings as you type to narrow down list.
  6. Full System Logging.
  • Log all edits to objects in system
  • Log all creates
  • Log all views
  • Log all page accesses.
  1. Display complete permissions information for system (lists who has which access, as well as all active and inactive users).
  2. Display virus history in system. Displays date, form, object idno, and file on system where the virus was located.
  3. Display file checksum (file fixity) history.
  4. Support for user provided checksums.
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