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Michael Bond edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 2 revisions

Reprocess digital objects.

Using the reprocessing options will cause the transformation processes to be run on objects again, creating new derivative works.

Single Items

to reprocess a single item select "Reprocess Object" from the upper right hand corner of the object edit screen.

In most cases you will not want to reprocess a single object.

Batch Processing

From the admin menu, select "Reprocess".

Select a form that you want to reprocess, and optionally a date range. If no date range is provided all of the objects in a form will be reprocessed.

When selecting a date range you can select both a start and end date, or just a start date, or just an end date. If you select both all objects that were created in that date range will be reprocessed. If you select just a start date all the objects after that date (inclusively) will be reprocessed. If you select just an end date all the objects before that end date (inclusively) will be processed.

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