Python Repository for Snow Board. This application reads data from an api running on Azure.
It is written in Ciruit Python for the Adafruit M4 controller and display board.
You also need to download the most recent version of the CircuitPython uf2. If you have hardware you can install by pressing the reset button on your board twice to enter the boot loader mode on the board computer. You'll recongize this because a boot loader directory will appear on the screen of your host computer. Just drag the new uf2 into the boot loader directory and you will be good to go!
Python code for the sign
Your board will also need:
A file containing wifi passwords for your local network and your local latitude and longitude
It is of the format
secrets = { 'ssid' : 'Your_Local_Wifi_SSID', 'password' : 'Your_Password', 'latitude' : Your_Latitude, 'longitude' : Your_Longitude, 'timezone' : 'America/Los_Angeles' }
fonts folder this folder contains the fonts necessary to run to board. helvB12.bdf helvB14.bdf helvR10.bdf
libs folder These are the libraries necessary to run the board.
image folder This contains MtBLogo.bmp for the boot splash screen.
- 2021.Mar-07: originated
- 2021.Aug-13: updated with metric conversion, improved error handling for web requests
- 2021,Nov.05: weather uses NWS api results
- 2022 Jan 04: error handling. weather updates. large font
- 2202 Jan 31: removed sunrise sunset from display. added 'conversational' intelligence
- 2022 Feb 08: updated for CircuitPython 7.1, updated RTC to use time from Azure. Added watchdog timer.
- 2022 Nov 28: Major rev: Uses api calls for 2023 season. Includes an AI ski conditions commentary.
- 2023 Apr 01: Simplified api call. Added splash Screen.
Snow Board (c) is the copyrighted name of active display devices.