CentOS Linux target machine. This manual was tested in CentOS 7.3 Linux machine.
Management machine with Ansible 2.2+ (tested on
Download the Jenkins setup automation recipe with parameter file.
Edit the parameter file (group_vars/all
). Adjust the variables content if needed.
#where the /var/lib/jenkins content will be moved. a lot of space is needed
jenkins_home: /opt/mount1/jenkins
#proxy file location
proxy_file_location: /etc/environment
#proxy server for OS - each line can be commented out
http_proxy: "http://web-proxy:8080"
https_proxy: "http://web-proxy:8080"
no_proxy: "localhost,"
#proxy server for Jenkinks
jenkins_http_proxy: "web-proxy"
jenkins_http_proxy_port: 8080
jenkins_admin_username: admin
#if not defined - initial password file is taken
#jenkins_admin_password: ""
jenkins_url: 'http://localhost:8080/'
jenkins_admin_email: 'admin@test.com'
jenkins_default_recipient_list: ''
# token-macro:
# enabled: yes
# build-pipeline-plugin:
# version: "1.4.9"
# pinned: no
# enabled: yes
enabled: yes
#do we show jenkins password in the console
show_password: true
Run the recipe.
Log in to the target machine.
Jenkins home directory is set to /opt/mount1/jenkins
Jenkins listens on port 8080 by default.
Extract initial admin password (you will be asked for it later). If you didn't change jenkins_home directory, it is stored in the following file.
cat /opt/mount1/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Open browser and enter the URL:
The installation wizard will open. Close it using X
Now this Jenkins installation is practically ready for work.