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Package Repositories

dashi edited this page Feb 2, 2025 · 45 revisions

Package Repositories

This page contains information about community and distribution maintained packages and repositories. Here you will find more detailed instructions on how to install a distribution package.

Please note that anyone can create a repository and add the necessary information to this wiki page. The EasyEffects developer(s) cannot guarantee the security of these repositories, or that they are still maintained.

If you are having any issues that you suspect are specific to your installation method, please contact the respective package maintainer, as listed on this page.

List of packages in repositories

Packaging status

Arch Linux

To install easyeffects on Arch, run:

sudo pacman -S easyeffects


EasyEffects is part of the distribution in Fedora 35+, install it with:

sudo dnf install -y easyeffects

For earlier Fedora releases EasyEffects has been made available through Copr, to install run:

sudo dnf copr enable -y godsic/EasyEffects 
sudo dnf install -y easyeffects


Provided by Flathub.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak install flathub com.github.wwmm.easyeffects

The Flatpak manifest is maintained in-tree here.

CI Artifacts

Flatpak bundles and Arch packages are produced for every push to master, and every push to PRs. Links are provided by a bot in PRs, and from the actions tab for pushes to master (or can be viewed here).

These are meant for development/testing, are not supported and are not automatically updated.

If you want the supported and stable Flatpak or Arch package experience, install the normal Flatpak build or the Arch build.


To install easyeffects on Gentoo, run:

emerge media-sound/easyeffects

Packages provided by prometheanfire.


Add to your home-manager configuration: services.easyeffects.enable = true;

And to configuration.nix: programs.dconf.enable = true;