This is a simple Internet radio built using mpd/mpc and Flask with Buildroot. Please note, that this repository contains also sources taken from python-mpd2 project ( ) and flask-wtf project ( ).
It has been developed for Orange Pi Zero board, but testing was also performed in virtual machines (Virt 64 and Vexpress-A9) emulated in QEMU.
To build the Linux image, enter the appropriate directory and run the "" script. It should automatically download the buildroot, unpack it, configure and build the image.
In case of the real hardware (currently only Orange Pi Zero), you should transfer
the compiled files to the SD card. You may simply write the generated sdcard.img
to the card using dd
When updating the image, I usually simply copy the "zImage", "sun8i-h2-plus-orangepi-zero.dtb", and "boot.scr"
files from output/images directory to the first partition of the SD card, and unpack the output/images/rootfs.ext4
file to the second partition (after erasing it first). That procedure leaves the "u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin"
loader not updated, but that's usually not a problem.
Of course you may update it using the dd
tool (replace /dev/sdX with the name of the device corresponding to your SD card):
dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=1024 seek=8
To test your radio in a virtual machine, run the "runme" file in the appropriate directory.
After the machine starts, the radio should start playing the first station. You may control the radio via simplistic web interface available on the 8810 TCP port. In case of the virtual machines it is forwarded to the 8888 port on the host machine.
If you want to port that project to another BR-supported board, you should prepare the Buildroot configuration.
You should start with make yourboard-defconfig
and then enter the appropriate modifications:
- Change the toolchain to external one.
- Set the root password (in my configurations it is set to "MyRootPassword" of course you should change it).
- Select /dev management (Dynamic using devtmpfs + eudev).
- Select
and inside:alsamixer
- Configure rootfs overlay directories:
../../common_overlay ../overlay
.- When your virtual machine boots, you may produce the
file using the command/usr/sbin/alsactl --file /tmp/asound.state store
. That file should be copied via SSH to the host and stored as../overlay/root/.config/asound.state
- When your virtual machine boots, you may produce the
- Select
package. - Select
package and its appropriate options:- select the
input plugin - select converter plugins
- select decoder plugins (I've selected all except
- select the
- Select
and its modules:- internal modules:
- external modules:
- internal modules:
- Select
- Select