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A simple, light weight and intuitive upload control for Vue.js.

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Vue Upload

A simple, light weight and intuitive upload control for Vue.js.


  • Drag and drop file zone.
  • Progress bars
  • Synchronous or asynchronous modes.
  • File validation
  • Max files check (with current).

NOTE This plugin has only been tested with Vue 2.x.


$ sudo npm install @websanova/vue-upload

Require in the project.



At a minimum you will need to at least provide a url when creating a new $upload instance.

this.$'profile-avatar', {
    url: 'users/1/avatar'

It's likely things like the id would not be static so use the reset function to update any options.

created() {
    this.$'profile-avatar', {
        onSuccess(res) {
            // Update user

mounted() {
    this.$upload.reset('profile-avatar', {
        url: 'users/' + this.$ + '/avatar'

Check the Examples section below for more use case scenarios.


All files will be in an array even if multiple is set to false.

For single items the first file in the object can be taken directly.


For a large set they can be looped through.

<div v-for="file in $upload.files('product-gallery').all">
    {{ }} <br/>
    {{ file.size }} <br/>
    {{ file.type }} <br/>
    {{ file.status }} <br/>
    {{ file.percentComplete }} <br/>
    {{ file.errors | json }}<br/>

All files contain the following meta data:


The name of the file.


The size of the file.


The mime type of the file.


Current status of the file which will be either ready, sending, error or success.


Percent progress indicator for the file as an integer (0 to 100);


Errors from file.

Note that errors can come internally from the module itself or externally from an error on the server end.

Use parseErrors option when installing the plugin to format errors from the server.

The internal default format is: [{rule: 'somerule', message: 'There was an error.''}]


The preview options is a function that can be set with a callback that will locally load the file (not uploaded).

this.$'brand-logo', {
    onSelect(files) {
        files[0].preview((file) => {
            // Do something with `file.raw`.


The plugin comes with two tiers of errors. It's important to know the difference between them.

Top Level

The top level error is designed to prevent the upload from even beginning.

This is primarily for cases where for instance a max amount of files has been reached or too many files have been selected.

Some important things to note:

  • If there any errors in single files it will log ONE error here saying so.
  • If it's global conditions are met it will still fire off individual uploads.
  • It has statuses: ready, sending, error, complete which can be found in the meta object.
  • The error status will only get triggered if the global condition fails.
  • The complete status will still trigger for individual file errors. An global error will be logged (more as a warning) but the state will NOT be in error.

File Level

This one is pretty much self explanatory. If an error is caught it will be tracked and status updated accordingly.


  • The status for single file uploads can be ready, sending, error, success.
  • Errors are tracked in an array [{rule: 'somerule', message: 'There is an error.'}].
  • Use the parseError option to change the way errors are parsed from the server.
  • If an error is caught the file will be moved into the files.error array (local or server).

Different ways to deal with errors are covered in the Examples section below.



This is used to create a new "upload" instance.

  • An upload instance is tracked in a global state.
  • Existing states will not be overwritten so you can call new multiple times without worry (use reset for updating options).
  • It will always contain the current components instance when using this.

Typically a combination of new and reset will be used. It's mostly semantic but it's nice to keep the separation.

created() {
    this.$'profile-avatar', {
        onSuccess(res) {
            this.$msgbag.success('Avatar uploaded successfully.');
        onError() {
            this.$msgbag.error('Error uploading avatar.');

mounted() {
    this.$upload.reset('profile-avatar', {
        url: 'users/' + this.$auth.user().id + '/avatar'


This will completely reset the instance.

Also check the new option for more details.

  • An instance using new must be created first.
  • Additional options can be passed in to override any existing ones (useful for updating the url).
mounted() {
    this.$upload.reset('profile-avatar', {
        url: 'users/' + this.$auth.user().id + '/avatar'

It's also useful to call reset() for clearing an upload when using multiple.

For instance a "clear" button.

<button v-on:click="$upload.reset('product-gallery')">

This would not affect any existing options, but only clear out the files arrays and reset some meta values.


This is used to trigger the browsers file select popup/dialog.

  • It's important to note that by default the uploads will start once files are selected.
  • Set startOnSelect option to false to prevent uploads from beginning after selection.
<button v-on:click="$'brand-logo')">
    Update Photo


This option is to be used in conjunction with the startOnSelect option when it's set to false.

  • It allows manual triggering of the upload.
  • Good to use with previews.
<img :src="brandLogo" />

<button v-on:click="$'brand-logo')">
    Select Photo

<button v-on:click="$upload.start('brand-logo')">
    Upload Photo
this.$'brand-logo', {
    onSelect(files) {
        files[0].preview((file) => {
            this.brandLogo = file.raw;


Contains arrays of files currently being processed.

  • It contains multiple queues that can be used to display file data for viewing.
  • The queues are all, queued, progress, success, error, complete.
  • Note in some cases there is overlap like in success, error, complete.
  • The array will not reset after completing (use reset and onEnd for that).
<div v-for="file in $upload.files('product-gallery').progress">
    {{ }}: {{ file.percentComplete }}%

<div v-for="file in $upload.files('product-gallery').queued">
    {{ }}: Queued for upload


Fetches some meta info about the current uploads.

The meta info is fully reactive an can be used directly in the templates.

{{ $upload.meta('product-gallery').percentComplete }}%

It contains the following properties:


It will be either ready, sending, error, complete. Check the Errors section above for more info.


For keeping track of the total files in the current upload set.

  • It's important to note that once all uploads complete it will be reset to 0.
  • This primarily used to keep track of current upload progress percentage.
  • If there are still items in queue or in progress and more files are added this will increment.


Keeps track of progress for the currently uploading files.


For use with drag/drop files to upload into a "drop zone".

  • Primarily used to be able to trigger an overlay when using a drop container.
  • This does NOT use the "dropzone" library.
<el-overlay v-show="$upload.meta('product-gallery').dropzoneActive">
    Drop files anywhere here to begin upload.


This returns the global error state for the upload instance.

  • This will not return the individual file errors.
<div v-if="$upload.errors('product-gallery').length">
    <div v-for="error in $upload.errors('product-gallery')">
        {{ error.rule }}: {{ error.message }}


Used for removing a single file from the files arrays.

  • This will remove the file from all files arrays where it exists.
$upload.remove('product-gallery', file);


url: null

This is required and sets the end point for the upload.

name: 'file'

The "name" to use for the upload file.

body: {}

Any additional form data to be sent with the upload.

onSelect: null

Triggered when files are selected.

onStart: null

Triggered once upload begins.

onQueue: null

Triggered once a file is moved into queue.

onProgress: null

Triggered once a file begins to upload.

onError: null

Triggered if file has an error (front or back end).

onSuccess: null

Triggered when server sends back a success.

onComplete: null

Triggered after either error or success.

onEnd: null

Triggered when currently uploading files all complete.

parseErrors: _parseErrors

Used to parse errors from server end.

It must return an array of objects in the format: [{rule: 'someerror', message: 'There was an error.'}]

http: _http

By default the plugin "assumes" Vue.http from vue-resource is used.

However this can be easily overridden.

It contains five parameters: url, body, progress, success, error.

function _http(data) {, data.body, {progress: data.progress}).then(data.success, data.error);

multiple: false

For multiple file uploads this must be set to true.

async: false

For asynchronous uploads set this to true.

Can also be used in conjunction with maxFilesInProgress.

maxFilesInProgress: 2

Set the maximum number of uploads that can run in parallel when async is set to true.

startOnSelect: true

To disable the upload from beginning automatically set this to false.

extensions: ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif']

The set of valid extensions allowed for upload.

maxFiles: 4

The maximum number of files allowed for upload.

Note that this works in conjunction with currentFiles for a set maximum.

currentFiles: null

If this value is set to an integer it will subtract from maxFiles to create a set maximum of uploads.

Note that if it's set to an integer (not null) the value will automatically increment on each upload success.

maxSizePerFile: 1024

Set the maximum size per file.

dropzoneId: null

Set the dropzone container which will automatically create the dropzone.

Important to note that (to be safe) the dropzone should always be unloaded when leaving the component it is called in.

created() {
    this.$'product-gallery', {
        async: true,
        multiple: true

mounted() {
    this.$upload.reset('product-gallery', {
        url: `products/${}/gallery`,
        dropzoneId: 'product-gallery-dropzone',

beforeDestroy() {
    this.$upload.reset('product-gallery', {
        dropzoneId: null


Some common scenarios likely to be encountered when doing an upload and how $upload can handle them.

Single File (Profile Avatar)

A simple profile avatar upload with button, status and errors.

<img :src="$auth.user().avatar || '//'" />

    <button v-on:click="$'profile-avatar')" :disabled="$upload.meta('profile-avatar').status === 'sending'">
        <span v-show="$upload.meta('profile-avatar').status === 'sending'">Updating...</span>
        <span v-show="!$upload.meta('profile-avatar').status === 'sending'">Update Photo</span>

<div v-if="$upload.files('profile-avatar').error.length">
    {{ $upload.files('profile-avatar').error[0].errors[0].message }}
created() {
    this.$'profile-avatar', {
        onSuccess(res) {
            this.$msgbag.success('Avatar uploaded successfully.');
        onError() {
            this.$msgbag.error('Error uploading avatar.');

mounted() {
    this.$upload.reset('profile-avatar', {
        url: `users/${this.$auth.user().id}/avatar`

Preview Before Upload (Logo)

Selecting an image with preview before uploading.

<img :src="brandImage || '//'" />

    <button type="button" v-on:click="$'brand-logo')" :disabled="$upload.meta('brand-logo').status === 'sending'">
        Select Logo

    <button type="button" v-on:click="$upload.start('brand-logo')" :disabled="$upload.meta('brand-logo').status === 'sending'">
        <span v-show="$upload.meta('brand-logo').status === 'sending'">Saving...</span>
        <span v-show="!$upload.meta('brand-logo').status === 'sending'">Save Logo</span>

<div v-if="$upload.files('brand-logo').error.length" class="text-danger">
    {{ $upload.files('brand-logo').error[0].errors[0].message }}
data() {
    return {
        brandImage: null

created() {
    this.$'brand-logo', {
        startOnSelect: false,
        onSuccess(res) {
            this.$msgbag.success('Brand logo uploaded successfully.');
            this.brand =;
        onError() {
            this.$msgbag.error('Error uploading brand logo.');
        onSelect(files) {
            files[0].preview((file) => {
                this.brandImage = file.raw;

mounted() {
    this.$upload.reset('brand-logo', {
        url: 'brands/' + + '/logo'
    this.brandImage = this.brand.logo || '//';

Multiple File (With Dropzone)

Multiple file upload with async, dropzone and file list.

    <button v-on:click="$'product-gallery')" :disabled="$upload.meta('product-gallery').status === 'sending'">
        <span v-show="$upload.meta('product-gallery').status === 'sending'">Uploading...</span>
        <span v-show="!$upload.meta('product-gallery').status === 'sending'">Select Photos</span>

    <button v-on:click="$upload.reset('product-gallery')" :disabled="$upload.meta('product-gallery').status === 'sending'">

<div class="progress">
    <div class="progress-bar" :style="'width: ' + $upload.meta('product-gallery').percentComplete + '%;'">
        {{ $upload.meta('product-gallery').percentComplete }}% Complete

<div v-if="$upload.errors('product-gallery').length" class="text-danger">
    {{ $upload.errors('product-gallery')[0].message }}
    <div v-if="!$upload.files('product-gallery').all.length">
        No uploads here yet.

    <div v-for="file in $upload.files('product-gallery').progress">
            {{ }}

        <div class="progress">
            <div class="progress-bar" :style="'width: ' + file.percentComplete + '%;'">
                {{ file.percentComplete }}%

    <div v-for="file in $upload.files('product-gallery').queued">
            {{ }}
            Queued for upload

    <div v-for="file in $upload.files('product-gallery').complete">
        <div v-if="file.errors.length">
            {{ }}
            {{ file.errors[0].message }}
        <div v-if="!file.errors.length">
            {{ }}
            Uploaded successfully.
created() {
    this.$'product-gallery', {
        async: true,
        maxFiles: 20,
        multiple: true,
        onStart() {
        onSuccess(res) {
        onEnd() {
            this.$msgbag.success('File upload complete.');

mounted() {
    this.$upload.reset('product-gallery', {
        url: 'products/' + + '/gallery',
        dropzoneId: 'product-gallery-dropzone',

beforeDestroy() {
    this.$upload.reset('product-gallery', {
        dropzoneId: null


A simple, light weight and intuitive upload control for Vue.js.






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