This is an simple Cloud Storage Project basied on PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL.
The project support user registration, file storage and temporary file transfer features.
This project is based on PHP with MySQL database for storing users info
For quick setting up, refer to the below installation guide on using XAMPP software for hosting.
Quick setting up method by using XAMPP to host the project:
Windows & OS X & Linux:
1. Download and install XAMPP software
2. git clone to the XAMPP/htdocs folder
3. Click on 'Start' for Apache in the XAMPP Control Panel
4. Click on 'Start' for MySQL in the XAMPP Control Panel
5. Go to the browser and enter http://localhost/
6. Congratulations, you have successfully hosted the project.
- Demo of signup and login
- Demo of upload and download file to the Cloud
- Demo of rename file from the Cloud
- Demo of deleting file from the Cloud
- Demo of AirDrop section
- Demo of getting the AirDrop file
This project is based on PHP, a PHP environment needs to be configured when running this project.
- 0.1.2
- CHANGE: Update Instruction in
- CHANGE: Update Instruction in
- 0.1.1
- CHANGE: Uplode
- CHANGE: Uplode
- 0.1.0
- CHANGE: Uplode the project
- 0.0.1
- Initiate the project
- Joey Wnag - Initial work - Blog
For this project Apache License 2.0
agreement, please click for more details.