This repository was created to demonstrate PHPStan issue during analysis of Oro Extend Entities. Requires Oro application to be installed
Install composer2
Create MySQL DB for an application
mysqladmin create oro_crm
Get OroCRM source code
git clone
cd crm-application
git checkout 5.0.0-alpha.1
Copy config/parameters.yml.dist to config/parameters.yml, edit it and set correct credentials to access the database
Install the application without sample data, translations, and assets
composer install
./bin/console oro:install --user-name=admin --user-firstname=John --user-lastname=Doe --user-password=admin --sample-data=n --symlink --organization-name=Test --application-url="http://localhost/" --skip-assets --skip-download-translations --skip-translations --formatting-code=en --language=en
./bin/console cache:warmup
Clone this repository
Install dependencies
cd oro-phpstan-example
composer install
Run checks
export ORO_APPLICATION_PATH=<path_to_oro_crm_application>
./vendor/bin/phpstan analyze -l0 "$ORO_APPLICATION_PATH/vendor/oro/crm"